Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Commentary on some Witch Doctor skills - Page 4


As for me, my favorite skill so far is plague of toads, it just seems cool.


You sir HAVE GOT to be kidding me.

P.S- This thread made me think Skill Runes are a real bad way to go image-wise. I mean- Sure, the skills would look awesome with a Rune in it (LOL look at the Panel from '08 with everyone saying "wooow" when the Firebomb jumps), but when new gamers first see the game all they see is less- impressing skills. And you know first impression is everything.|||My favorite is still zombie wall but they need after some short time just spread around it could give more depth, right now is just fancy animation but no complexity.

Btw. why i would want to use mongrels for tank if i have access to wall of zombies? If they will work like bone wall i will without problem block attackers.|||Quote:

How you think it will scale then? I'm pretty sure it's going to be 20% per level so if you can go to 15 skillpoints it could be 300%.

Crappit, I keep forgetting that we can advance the ranks beyond the initial 5. Although depending on how many skills we can advance past level 5 I'm not so sure I'd want to spend it on sacrifice instead of say, Skull of Flame.|||I always thought that Blizz said that the WD's minions wouldn't be his major source of damage, not that they wouldn't be tanks. Thus the gargantuan might be a great tank that (very) rarely dies, but that doesn't really do much in the way of damage.

I also think it would be better if the skill Ferocity increased gargantuan health, and zombie dog explosion damage. This would stop the WD from becoming a "hands-off" summoner, which seemed to be the original idea.|||Keep in mind though, that some people might like having a hands-off summoner. It should be an option. Otherwise there will only be one viable build, which would be a quick way to kill any long-term interest in the class.|||Hi!


Keep in mind though, that some people might like having a hands-off summoner. It should be an option. Otherwise there will only be one viable build, which would be a quick way to kill any long-term interest in the class.

The problem is that developers often want the players to play the game and not the game to play itself. Stading back and from time to time hast a spell could be achieved by looking a clool video and then set the screen saver to 1 minute to beat it and move the cursor before the screensaver comes up again.

Yes i know people like all out summoner. I eaven like them to some extenct (played one in GW). In an all out gear grind game it's pretty nifty to grind gear for more sitting back and not doing anything eaven more.|||maybe the only 'relatively' original char so far. skills just sound like more or less a rehash of d2's necromancer. shoulda gone with voodoo potion making skill tree or something more original like that since potions are going to be out in d3. exploding potions, buffing potions, debuffing potions, healing potions, etc. i think that woulda made the WD a lot more "WD".


wwww caisse d epargne fr | La caisse d'epargne | caisse d'epargne|||A thought occurred to me:

The Witch Doctor seems lackluster less because of his actual skills, and is more due to how his character and skills feel and appear in the game.

That may seem semantic. But it's actually a big difference. The Witch Doctor's skills aren't bad from a gameplay perspective. But the Witch Doctor's skills don't dominate the screen like the other three classes' skills do. When I see gameplay videos where multiple classes are playing together, I always lose sight of the Witch Doctor character (whereas I can easily spot a Barbarian or Wizard).

The Wizard has a light show, the Barbarian looks like he's smashing the world inside out, and the Monk features exploding blood and guts every other minute. What does the Witch Doctor feature? Exploding skulls and frogs.

My solution? Shock value.

The Witch Doctor is essentially the "dark character." He should play accordingly. The Witch Doctor's skills need more shock value to make him feel more threatening and memorable. This should be reflected not only in the skills he has, but in the presentation of those skills - their graphics and sounds.

The "Corpse Spider" skill - where spiders burst from a zombie chest or crawl from its mouth - is a positive step in this direction. The Witch Doctor needs more skills that can produce a "what the ****?!" reaction.

Even though the Witch Doctor is actually a good guy according to the lore, embracing the "evil" vibe may be a good way for the developers to carve out his niche. What do you guys think?

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