Monday, April 16, 2012

Implications of the Hydra Rune on Zombie Dogs

The Hydra Rune is supposed to multiply the effects of a spell. Does this mean the WD, equipped with the Hydra Rune, will be able to summon double or triple the number of dogs that he would normally summon? Or does it mean that the dogs would 2 or 3 times the damage per attack? Or would it give the dogs a Zeal-like ability in which they attack multiple times in a single attack?

I personally would love to have 9 zombie dogs running around. It would be like having a Necromancer again.|||Nobody knows that yet. Skill set aren't finalized so Blizz don't think about rune effects as they said some time ago.|||Cerberus anyone? o.O|||If you mean multi headed dog, it would require separate model, and runes as far i know mostly differs mechanic of skill, with mayby additional model/effect, like burning ground on flameskull or nova on monster death with electroduce, so i don't think so.|||I didn't even think about having a ZD with three heads. Now THAT would be cool! The best part about that is that it would take the Hydra effect of the rune quite literally. I guess another good question here is whether Blizzard will actually have the time and resources to do neat things like make customized models for every different version of a spell.

Kingu, I understand that nothing is final. I'm not really concerned with what is certain or uncertain. I am only interested in what could be. It is best to postulate what could be in the game while it is being developed. On the offchance that someone from Blizzard reads these boards, there is a possibility that they will be inspired by the words of somebody here and make changes to the game before it comes out based on something one of us has said.|||Well you are right, but to me concept of multiple heads use like that is a bit cheesy, just look how those dogs look now they aren't just dead dogs zombified.

And as a concept id died with Blood 1 and Dungeon Keeper 1, as did the aesthetic of that time.

But it comes to me maybe runes would reintroduce the effect of dogs getting disease and on fire, as they had at time of Barb and WD trailer.|||Could be that the dogs start using some sort of fury-like attack?|||I'd assumed a minor rune would give you one extra zombie dog, a standard rune would give you two, etc.

Which could be interesting with Leader of the Pack - and gives you the option of having lots of zombies, as opposed to having fewer, more powerful zombies with other skill runes. I hope they do this.|||Quote:

I personally would love to have 9 zombie dogs running around. It would be like having a Necromancer again.

Just like a necromancer, except for the lack of anything resembling what was great about the necromancer. Dogs. Effing dogs. No giant, ground shaking skeleton lords. No dark, yet chilling anti-hero. Dogs.

Sorry, this was at least partially meant to be tongue-in-cheek. I've accepted bumbly the clown and I'm sure I'll try it out. But, there's nothing new here. It's a druidmancer.|||It would be fun, but quite imbalanced if dogs became somewhat like hydras. You kill a dog and then it turns into 2 dogs... With higher runes you kill the 2 dogs and become other 4 dogs...

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