Monday, April 16, 2012

Does anyone feel let down by the WD's mana system?

After we've learned that Blizzard is lavishing so much attention on the other 4 classes to give them unique mana resources, doesn't it feel sort of off that the Witch Doctor is stuck with boring old mana?

I'd like to think that the Witch Doctor's mana system incorporates health (or health sacrifice) in some way. It would reflect the darkness of his archetype.

What do you guys think?|||Witch doctor unfortunely for being the most unique class to date is also the one the seems to be seeing the least amount of attention. the monk is great but witch docter has never been done before.

why give him mana anyways? hes a witch and a doctor, regeants seem more viable for his type of class than an actual mana system anyways. as much as its a huge rip off, runic power(or something along the similar means) would be a better fit to the WD.

being he would need to have his charges up to use his skills, while making it impossible to spam skills. regeants for his passive skills or even offensive defensive skills.|||I wouldn't really be worried about it. The WD being part summoner is going to be the one of the four of them that I think uses his spells the least. The Wizard will be casting constantly and therefore mana replenishing would be counter to quick gameplay. Barb is always using his skills in melee and same with monk. WD is the only one that can sit back and strategize a bit and because he can steal mana from demons souls mana fits him the best with him using soul energy. I wouldn't worry. It's not like he's gonna have this boring blue orb when everyone else has a special thing. If it does happen that he's the only mana user they'll give his mana orb a special graphic for him with souls floating around in it or something themed and it'll look nice.

Cause when you think about - the others are using mana as well... it's a resource that's expended to cast, and replenishes somehow - it's just they get free mana leach in certain ways by killing things (barb) or however the sorc does it (by excessive casting or measuring spell casting or being careful about what spells follow each other or whatever).

Also magic-resource for summons is different than magic-resource for damage spells. Spells you just cast. And cast. But if you can summon forever than you're never really in danger. Mana fits best because it needs to be a more general magic resource to give the user the option of summoning when he wants as well making summons have worth and strategy.|||Well, mana was always linked to being a spiritual energy :P|||And the whole health sacrifice concept can be done without changing mana as as a resource.

Mana fits well the WD, there's no reason to change it.|||Quote:

Mana fits well the WD, there's no reason to change it.

Just as it would have fit well with the Wiz and even the Monk. It appears at this point that they are changing things just to have something different. Lack of mana makes sense for the Barb and even the Monk, but it would have made perfect sense for both the WD and the Wiz.

I've got to agree with Naja that the WD seems to be lacking attention. After they blurted out the first concept it seems that they are at a loss as to what to do with the character. Just getting mana instead of an unique systems seems to be the latest symptom of neglect.|||I've never been a big fan of the whole health sacrifice thing...other classes don't have to sacrifice health to deal damage, why should I pick one that does?

Apart from that I agree, if the Witch Doctor is just left with a plain old mana system that won't be very interesting compared to the more unique systems.

My only idea for a Witch Doctor resource would be something like blood or bones from their victims. This spell costs XX amount of shrunken heads to cast. Need more shrunken heads! They'd have to do it in such a way that the first few kills of a game aren't horrible though.|||Even if he is left with plain old mana as you say, it still is not like D2, and out of mana, drink, or have "meditation" aura.

You have Spirit Vessel, Soul Harvest, Meditation.

If you are not a fan of health sacrifice, WD may by not you choice. It's not like he's just jungle born wizzard, he uses ritual magic, and it seems reasonable that in some cases he must use his own blood to strengthen the ritual if he lacks enough spiritual force.

And with his Mongrels as your meat shield and spell strengthener (Leader of the Pack), while using Unrelenting Assault and Parasite would be almost self sustain caster.

Is that really makes mana plain and boring?|||Quote:

Even if he is left with plain old mana as you say, it still is not like D2, and out of mana, drink, or have "meditation" aura.

You have Spirit Vessel, Soul Harvest, Meditation.

If you are not a fan of health sacrifice, WD may by not you choice. It's not like he's just jungle born wizzard, he uses ritual magic, and it seems reasonable that in some cases he must use his own blood to strengthen the ritual if he lacks enough spiritual force.

And with his Mongrels as your meat shield and spell strengthener (Leader of the Pack), while using Unrelenting Assault and Parasite would be almost self sustain caster.

Does that really make mana plain and boring?

Yes, because all of your examples require the Witch Doctor to be reliant on specific skills or specific builds.

A unique, functional resource system should not threaten character customization.

You should be able to enjoy a unique feature with any kind of skills or build. Just like the Barbarian can with Fury, for example.|||Well if you look at Barb, he also have resource specific skills that "threaten" customization: Bad Temper, Enrage. And skills that gives more health, in one way or another, Scavenge to mention something basic, which he may need as melee fighter, so it's not so in my opinion different from WD example.

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