Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I hate the witch doctor

I don't know if anyone is like me, but I just was really underwhelmed by the witch doctor.

First, I don't really want to play a class hunched over like an ape dragging his knuckles. But, secondly, he's just really underwhelming compared to the barbarian's completely over the top effects. I you cannot match that stunning performance with another class, you need to get rid of that class or rework it. Seriously, it was like seeing the Toronto Space Needle next to a barn silo.

Second, as a person that has played necromancer for several ladders in a row as my main, I hate the witch doctor. I loved my pets. I loved my UNDEAD pets. I realize they are lag central when you have 30. But, they could easily just make them bigger, and stronger and fewer. Give them multiple attacks on surrounding mobs as they level. Ditto the skeletal mages. Allow me one revive summon that turns into a horrible, massive beast with crushing blow and AE stun that lasts only 15 seconds or something.

I was really excited about the barbarian, then this waddling disaster came out and I was like... "are they kidding?". THIS is the new necromancer? Witch doctor sounds like a guy that failed the necromancer final exam.

I'm reasonably excited about the game, but reasonably disheartened about the loss of necromancers. That's my play style. I will try to adjust to something else, but just looking at the thing was irritating.

If anyone from Blizzard reads this by some chance, please reconsider.|||The Witch Doctor have me excited to play them. They are much more unique and interesting that the overdone necromancer stereotype from so many other rpgs. I think their flavor is much more in line with the Kurast jungles, where the Necromancers supposedly came from.|||I can't say that I hate it, but it's not as "spectacular" as the Barbarian. I will withhold my judgment however. The Witch Doctor had showed potential.

Now if only we'll get a Mesmer class...|||Quote:

I can't say that I hate it, but it's not as "spectacular" as the Barbarian. I will withhold my judgment however. The Witch Doctor had showed potential.

Now if only we'll get a Mesmer class...

Isn't it mesmery to curse foes to attack their fellows? The Mesmer in GW would have cried and begged for such a mind control spell.

But it wouldn't suprise me if the Witch Doctor will be able to brew zombie juice to enslave monsters with for a limited time.|||They look kind of numb, I'll agree with that. Other than that I am kind of intrigued by them.

Obviously, from what we've seen, the witch doctor draws automatic comparison to the current necro. Summons and curse like spells. The two things that stood out to me as potentially awesome was the ability to sort of buff your own summons with your damage spells. Could be cool, might not be as cool as it looks, we'll see. The ability to pop your own pets really excites me. Depending on how powerful this is, it could easily be one of the most powerful abilities in the game, perhaps even useful in pvp, and would be a real boon to anyone playing untwinked. No longer do you have to wait for a creature to die to start popping everything, now you can pop your own re-summonable pets? Good lord.|||I really found the witch doctor intriguing. The only critisism I can think of is the locust swarm animation. The barbarian on the other hand was just the same old, IMO. At least the witch doctor is something new |||The witch doctor is just Dhalsim with a mask. I think Blizzard should pay Capcom royalties :P|||Yes, it's something new. And it was so lackluster it was shocking.

It summons dogs? And it gives them rabies? And it throws slow, unimpressive fire blobs?

I'm probably just bitter. I could not possibly play that hunched little wretch.|||The barbarian was over-the top crazy flashy special effects... this guy is kinda bleh...

at least make him look like a person, or have minions that dont look like some kind of demented dogs...|||witch-doctors are gonna pwnz joo in pvp. just wait till i get my hands on one of them

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