Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Voodoo Powder instead of Mana?? - Page 2

i think its good as it is....

its confirmed they both use mana but will have slightly different mechanics, isnt it ?

what i dont like is those bottle throwing skills; doesnt fit :/|||Perhaps the name should be "Mojo" as in voodoo mojo?

Merriam Webster definition:

* Main Entry: mo�jo

* Inflected Form(s): plural mojoes or mojos

* Etymology: probably of African origin; akin to Fulani moco'o medicine man

: a magic spell, hex, or charm; broadly : magical power <works his mojo on the tennis court>|||Quote:

i think its good as it is....

its confirmed they both use mana but will have slightly different mechanics, isnt it ?

what i dont like is those bottle throwing skills; doesnt fit :/

as far as i know mana is only used by the WD , Wiz and monk will be changed|||"Voodoo Powder"??? Nice concept, but the name sounds a little weak. Mojo sounds cooler.

Personally, I would love to see the witch doctor harvest enemies' bodies for parts that can be used to cast spells. It'd be like the D2 Barb's Find Potion skill, only you're pulling out blood and guts and filling little Witch Doctor jars with them.|||I agree that the WD should get a different mechanic and not the Wizard. It makes much more sense to have the wizard just use mana. Unless of course they wanted to come up with something new for both of them.|||Quote:

Perhaps the name should be "Mojo" as in voodoo mojo?

Only if they change his voice to that of Austin Powers.|||i guess i will use voodoo powder.

voodoo powder gives you wings.

voodoo powder gives you the energy to fight back |||If you're going to change his power source to something more 'vooodoo oriented', make the mechanic different. If all you're going to have is mana with a different name, then skip it. It's pointless.|||In my mind, Austin Powers has completely claimed the word "mojo". And voodoo powder sounds like I'm scooping kool-aid mix out of a leather sack with one of those candy trowels.|||The concept is very interesting, but I think mana works just fine for the Witch Doc. The explanation "mana is vodoo in origin" is enough for me, but even so, it also makes plenty of sense from a lore perspective, since mana is a force that "flows in everything" in Sanctuary, and Mr./Ms. Voodoo here has a religion which is all about tapping into the powers of the land.

With another name, the idea suggested by the OP could be interesting for a future class if implemented right.

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