Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I've said it once and I'll said it again...

The WD should have stratigic Minion Skills.


"Regoup"- All Minions come back by your side.

"Hold Line"- Which will be the replacement of the Zombie Wall Skill.

"Attack specific target"- Obviously very much needed.

"Defend"- Minions circle the WD with the main purpose of protectin him.



I can't stop from thinking this can be the greatest idea D3 can ever have.

It's VERY original, new and exciting and will shut up everyone who says the WD is a Necro 2.0 -since this is a whole different gameplay.

The only problem I see with this mechanic is the it will require more hotbar spaces but I'm sure that minor and Blizz could solve this is a sec.

What do you think?

Would you like this kind of mechanic?|||This sounds like a great idea imo. It would add another element to playing a summoner class.|||Couldn't agree more.|||I think it would need to be more streamlined, because how are you going to implement such orders into the game ? skills ? and if it is skills they would take up all the avalible space in the skills bar (at least most of it) !!!

I say we skill runes could play a great role here, if you choose to build your WD as a summoner you can customize each summon to play a different role, for example a skill rune gives Zombie Dogs more offensive buff and makes them faster, another skill rune make them have much more HP, another gives them more numbers.

Considering we will have about 3 or 4 different summons and 3 or 4 customization options for each we can get similar results to the OP .. not exactly the same level of control indeed but more streamlined and fitting with Diablo playstyle.|||Excellent idea OP. WD could have 3 special buttons or something. UI is not even a necessity. You can assign the 3-4 buttons to the commands in the menu. When you press them and a minion is alive, you get a proper message ("Minions Regroup" for example) for 3 seconds on display. Anyway, many ways to implement this.

Roughly controlling your minions like this is a very good idea.|||This is beyond a skill rune issue. It would be very convenient to have these options for your pets. It wouldn't be a skill either, it can just be something you get with the zombie dog spell. Maybe a new function could come with a new level into the spell. Say level 2 zombie dog learns regroup, level 3 learns focus fire etc.

It would be very annoying for your dogs to be taking out monsters you don't want them to. Or maybe something is attacking you and your dogs are fighting something else. Maybe you want to run through crowds of monsters and your dogs don't follow you. Regardless, this would be a wonderful addition for the WD to have.|||Quote:

This is beyond a skill rune issue. It would be very convenient to have these options for your pets. It wouldn't be a skill either, it can just be something you get with the zombie dog spell. Maybe a new function could come with a new level into the spell. Say level 2 zombie dog learns regroup, level 3 learns focus fire etc.

But still you didn't mention how could these orders be carried out be players during the heat of battle and combat (which is very fast paced).


It would be very annoying for your dogs to be taking out monsters you don't want them to. Or maybe something is attacking you and your dogs are fighting something else. Maybe you want to run through crowds of monsters and your dogs don't follow you. Regardless, this would be a wonderful addition for the WD to have.

But you are forgetting that zombie dogs aren't the only summon the WD have, the WD also has Zombie Charger (could very well be an offensive themed summon), Gargantuan and Fetish Warriors (two differernt summons for them i think) and all can be customized by skill runes too.

Now each and everyone of those various can serve a differernt strategical role (offense, defense, tanking .. etc etc) so IMO making Zombie dogs more than just expendable pawns would reduce the need for the other summons greatly.|||I had this in a fan class that I started working on a while back (yet to finish...). This is as simple and streamlined as I think it can come. You left click on your pet to give him focus. Then, depending on where you right click your pet will perform different orders.

right click on.... (where listed: double click means to double right click quickly)

1. enemy - pet targets that enemy

(double click) - all pets target that enemy

2. the ground - pet moves to that location, then continues normal attacking

(double click) - all pets move to that location and then continue to attack normally

3. yourself - pet moves to defend you (set radius)

(double click) - all pets return to you to follow normally

4. another pet - pet moves to location of the other pet and guards/ stays within a set radius of him (they follow if pet moves)

(double click) - all pets move to location of the one pet and guard/ stay within a radius of him (they follow if pet moves)

*once off screen (1-2 screens off) pets would abandon their orders and continue to follow you normally in case you forgot to call them back.

You could easily have different pets performing different tasks, have a pets grouped together, have all your pets perform a task, and all sorts of combinations of these.

note: in my fan class I had a passive skill called "orders" where you had to unlock each of the different orders.|||i dont get it....soooo...every command we have since the time of EQ1 for pet is....original now?....ookkkkkk

sorry but i fail to see the originality in this

oh and paperkut you played Titan quest....well they did this and well it sucked :P

if you guys worrie about now that we have no more army and just a druid number of summon well dont worrie since this is one of the 1st class to have been showed to the world i think they are working hard as hell on the AI and this is NOT a necro btw...he was never meant to play like that so you will probly cast more offensive and defensive spell compared to buffing your pet and such since now this as been removed and is now probly going to be a passive ability...pure summoner will probly require alots more stuff to be done other then summoning since most of is summon are very limited...the spider statue for example

also hi everyone im back hope everyone have been doing ok i was trying to forget this game a bit info and alots of stuff to read so....immmm baaaackk|||Quote:

But still you didn't mention how could these orders be carried out be players during the heat of battle and combat (which is very fast paced).

He didn't, but I did. What do you find wrong with what I suggest?

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