Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I've said it once and I'll said it again... - Page 2


oh and paperkut you played Titan quest....well they did this and well it sucked :P

Damn. Thought I had a good idea for once....Never played titan quest but i'm glad they tried and failed at it rather than D3!|||Quote:

He didn't, but I did. What do you find wrong with what I suggest?

Hmmm .. well what i find wrong with what you and paperkut suggested is that it detracts away from the actual fighting (assuming that you use the same method of having to select minions to give them order or having to select a a specific target for them to attack), having to keep track of your minions and keep giving them orders slows the game pace drastically, and if the gameplay is going to even be 50% less messy than the latest Blizzcon videos then expect lots of confusion and miss-clicks .. which is all very frustrating.

Best way to do something like this would be going in the same irection as they did with the Zombie Dogs ehchanting ... passives + skill runes on the skill itself.

And like i said, Zombie dogs are nothing but expendable pawns, other minions will play other roles when needed.


pure summoner will probly require alots more stuff to be done other then summoning since most of is summon are very limited...the spider statue for example.

Spider Statue (now called Corpse Spider) can't be really considered a real summon, the other real summon are probably going to be the Gargantuan and the Fetish Warriors.

So to sum it up a summoner would have.

Real Summons:Zombie Dog, Fetish Army, Gargantuan, Hex

Pseudo Summons:Corpse Spider, Zombie Charger, Plague of Toads, Pit of Fire|||I'm not sure there'd be the confusion and misclicking you forsee. Keep in mind that a summoner plays different than a caster like the wizard. As a summoner you would not charge yourself right up into the heat of the battle, your minions would. Standing "safely" behind your minions (and from what I saw in the wd gameplay there's plenty of that) you would be able to comfortably issue orders, just like you could comfortably toss a flaming skull or cast a spell.

Assuming your minions have any killing power (which I'll admit right now seems like they don't), then issuing orders on how to kill is not taking away from killing at all (at least with the system i proposed where they attack normally by default or without being issued an order). And you wouldn't need to issue orders in every situation you came across. But you can't tell me that your killing speed/power/efficiency wouldn't be increased if you had the ability to tell your shaman where to cast his hexes or have your big zombie gargantuan take on a stronger target while you deal with the lesser enemies.|||Hi!

What i would like to see is Hold ground button. If you right click it it toggles the hold ground effect that means minions come next to you or not. If you left click while it's not toggled minions come to you and immediatly go fight again against nearest enemies. This could prevent alot of suicides by summons and you don't have to wait for every fallen to be fallen. Attack and move buttons are pretty meh since this is a fast paced game and the summons are most likely running around hitting stuff well enough already.

PS: and how titan quest did the move action command for pets... it might have worked if you had max 1 pet but still was pretty bad. What i liked from titan quests pets that they are really agressive and don't stand around like D2 pets do a bit too much.|||I like it. I can see him using skills to guide them mid battle easily. Ranks affecting more or just a one point wonder? :P|||Should we start a petition for "basic summon controls"?

Also would this type of minion control extend to generic Mercenaries (assuming they exist)?|||Thank you for the suprisingly warm comments.

2 of my own so far:

1. K_W, I'm sorry, but I fail to see why this would be hard to handle mid-fightning. It would just like throwing some Skull of Flame, or even closer- Just like using a Curse.

2. Paperkut- Your mechanic is amazing. I've never played Titan Quest myself too, but I can't imagine how this has failed. And even if it did- Blizz can learn for its mistakes and make us a new and improved Minion Control mechanic.

This is shaping to be one of those things I get real sad about 'cause I know this awesome idea would never be implented.

P.S- "I'll *said* it again".. Man, this is some annoying typo...|||I recall reading reviews of the Blizzcon build that the zombie dogs would tend to get lost or go offscreen attacking a single enemy while you've already moved on. They need to fix this, as a meatshield that is not even there serves no purpose! Your idea of basic summon controls would fix this problem; at most they should have a "heel" button.|||Quote:

I recall reading reviews of the Blizzcon build that the zombie dogs would tend to get lost or go offscreen attacking a single enemy while you've already moved on. They need to fix this, as a meatshield that is not even there serves no purpose! Your idea of basic summon controls would fix this problem; at most they should have a "heel" button.

Well, those in the reviews need to use Sacrifice more often, it is made specially for Zombie dogs and it is a standing proof they are nothing more than expandable meat shields/pawns ... one naughty zombie dog strayed too far away .. well .. blow the hell out of it before you move out (preferably in the face of your enemies) and summon a new one .. no need to over complicate things. |||Quote:

Hmmm .. well what i find wrong with what you and paperkut suggested is that it detracts away from the actual fighting (assuming that you use the same method of having to select minions to give them order or having to select a a specific target for them to attack), having to keep track of your minions and keep giving them orders slows the game pace drastically, and if the gameplay is going to even be 50% less messy than the latest Blizzcon videos then expect lots of confusion and miss-clicks .. which is all very frustrating.

You probably didn't get what I meant, I guess it's my bad English.

I agree with you that the system paparkut suggests is a bit lazy, many clicks for nothing.

What I tried to say was:

1. You assign some hotkeys to the appropriate commands, as you would do with normal skills. Lets say you assign "R" to the "Regroup" command.

2. Once in battle, you hit the R button and you get a message on screen (not that eye-catching) "Regroup summoned monsters"

3. The message lasts for 3 seconds on screen, your pets leave whatever they were doing and come near you.

No need for extra UI, no need for extra wasted time, nothing. Just 3-4 button assignements for the WD.

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