Monday, April 16, 2012

Which is your favorite spell?

Mine was locust swarm|||All the Barbarian's attacks, especially the leap attacks and crushing blows.

Didn't really like the Witch Doctor. The locust swarm looked cool and the zombie wall was alright i guess, but the Barb seems way more fun to play.|||Easily the zombie wall |||Zombie Wall as well. I like both the idea and the animation.|||fire bomb baby|||Fire Bomb seemed fairly generic to me. But Locust Swarm on the other hand, now that was a dastardly spell to watch in action.

Seems like the focus will be on aoe skills to take down hordes of low hp mobs at once, instead of single monsters at a time.

Though Mass Confusion caught my eye too, brutal and sinister and really a way to thin down a large group of foes threatening you or your party and really hinting on the insidious nature of the Witch Doctor.

The Witch Doctor seems to have elements of the Druid, Assassin and Necromancer rolled into one package.|||I really think all the skills rock, they probably picked the coolest they have so far to show off.|||Already? It only has like 4 skills.

Anyway, nothing caught my eye so far.

PS- Now that I've seen the its skills. Does the WD looks to anyone alot like the monsters R&C Up Your Arsenal in the 2nd World (I think)?|||Zombie wall looks pretty cool.|||Another vote for zombie wall from me

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