Monday, April 16, 2012

You wanna play Summoner? Come to TorchLight!

Man, since Diablo 2 Necromancer i didn't have so much fun while playing Summoner type class and i am only lvl 9 right now.

I already can summon up to 3 imps from alchemist talent, bought summon skeleton warrior spell it allow me to summon from ground skeletons every 3 sec for 33s, later i bought charm spell that allow to take control over one monster for few sec to fight on you side, work even on minor bosses ! It is nice to pick up the bigger one from monster and allow him to shamsh his exfriends .

Your minions act with great fervor, very aggressively moving with you and smashing everything what even try to look bad at you. No complaint about ai so far.

Very ofter your army will smash with huge groups of monsters and bones with blood will fast fly everywhere. Really great feel.

You just wanna to sign

I will try keep it updated but now i move back to game, so far first impression is good.

P.S. I know there is summon Zombie spell to buy as i saw him while watching my sister play and now i am hunting it . so many things yet not discover.|||cool

i was thinking of getting this game

but was wondering is it download only or can you buy it on CD?|||It is digital download for the moment. I think the mod and level toolkit will be released within the next few days, and is included.

I agree with the enthusiasm of Smash. What a hoot! Very well done.|||torchlight rocks, and so does summoner build, but i do feel like the summons need better AI, or at least a few more options.

but all in all, it IS fun if you want a summoner and need a new fix.|||Yeah, I'm having a lot of fun with the alchemist summoner too! I like the sword summoning spell too, so cool, but has longer CD and lasts much less, usefull against bigger guys.

For those who want to try something different, I'd like to suggest this tiny mod, which essentially gives you little spider-like bots to summon in place of imps. Fits better the alchemist theme I guess? Oh yes, they shoot and don't need corpses to summon (very usefull if you do a lod of ice damage and crits)

Also If you're looking for another twist, this other mod (by the same person) takes out the alchemical golem and gives you a smaller-weaker version instead, but you can summon 4 of them instead of just one. This one I'm not personally using, though.

There really are a lot more mods out there, but some are very OP, so don't overdo it

Oh, and for all of the nostalgic ones, you can expect a necromancer class coming sooner or later|||Get these spells and you can pwn monsters fishymancer style:

Summon Blood Skeleton

Summon Skeleton VI

Summon Archers

Summon Zombies|||Oh don't forget to give your pet Summon Zombies/any other summoning spell you like for added fun ^_^|||Just an FYI if people didn't know; you can equip two diff ranks of spells to get additional summons. This is exceptionally handy at lower levels before you can find Blood Skeleton. It requires saving the previous rank however since once you outlevel the range you won't be able to buy it back. I started off with Summon Skelton III, then once I found IV I was keeping ten skeletons up at a given time.

If you wanted to equip 4 diff ranks you could have 20 skeletons up at once. However the decay rate would make this very tedious in the way of casting. Keeping 10 is a constant chore including buffing.

This only works with diff ranks, as you cannot slot two of the same ranking spell simultaneously.|||is there a download link somewhere?

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