Monday, April 16, 2012

Zombie Dog/Charger sacrificin' fun

Okay, so I had a neat idea pop into my head (and I'm sure several hundred other people might have had the same idea), and I didn't know what to search for in the search! So here it goes.

Summoning Zombie dogs and chargers, and blowing them up.

Sounds rather simple, huh? Well, as I understand, there will be the skill Unrelenting Assault... Is it yet known whether or not this skill will resurrect sacrificed dogs, or just killed ones? Because if so, I think it would be pretty neat to devise a sort of character that shoots zombie dogs, chargers, gargantuans etc at the enemies, and blowing them up... Sort of like Corpse Explosion, but it's chasing the enemies!

Parasite will be interesting as a support spell, aswell, seeing as how it can summon some more Zombies... And Ferocity will make them even bigger in life, thus dealing more damage... And then Jungle Fortitude spell, which will give you a major increase (supposedly) to your vitality.

Any thoughts?

How effective would this strategy be? Horrify would be a great support spell, aswell as Ritual of Blood. Spending health rather than mana seems like it would be an effective strategy, if you can suck up some nice orbs every time you sacrifice your life to blow everything up... Death pact would even keep you alive longer, I would assume.|||Hi!

Understood the post compleatly wrong as i replied... Can't delete the post so i guess i might as well ansver something.

Blowing up stuff might have situational benefits as it was mentioned in a recent blue post (WD having problems killing life leech champions). I still don't think you can keep blowing up stuff as your main tactic as you might end up in a situation where you can't get more zombies by unrelentling assault and i bet summoning a zombie dog and blowing it up ain't the cheapest way to damage stuff when it comes to mana and time. Also when fighting a single monster / boss the damage won't be that great as it's ment to be used in an aoe situation and is balanced by the fact that it's an aoe attack.

Good things about this build is that you pretty much have maxed out summons. Getting a single target spell to support this and you can most likely have it as a quite viable build, but the blowing up must be toned down a bit so you can have a good amount of zombie dogs all the time. One problem is that WD has really limited selection of single target spells...|||I realize that bosses might be a huge pain (Obviously not a build meant for PvP), but if you blow dogs up near death, as per say, the target is targetting them; it would deal its damage and you can just send out another to keep the train coming. It's a long route, but it keeps you out of harms way.

Unrelenting assault is probably something as a skill left to the weapon bonuses. Personally I wouldn't want to dump any in there unless I have absolute extra skill points. I would be more focused on keeping enough dogs out, and blowing them up before they die to maximise damage. (this is dependant on whether they do 20% their current or total life... I dunno yet.)

Otherwise, this would be similar to the Skelemancer sending out skeletons, and then Corpse Explosioning as support, woukldn't it? I guess I'll need to see some more gameplay videos before I can tell if this would be a good enough idea to play through the game (Or three times)

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