Monday, April 16, 2012

Magic + Science = Dr. WD

A recent post by Bashiok about why guns don't exist in Diablo claims that magic and science don't work together- at least not in their vision of Diablo. I agree wholly, wholly, wholly about no guns! But just to nitpick a little, isn't our resident doctor something of a chemist, himself? In fact, that's the reason why I like him and want to play him as my first character; his real-world knowledge of physical elements and matter combined with spiritual and magical incantations is an interesting mix. Skull of Flame, anybody?

I think it would have been better termed "magic and technology" or something. But I suppose that could be controversial also. Or how about just "no guns"? That works for me.|||Chemistry, or alchemy, in the world of Diablo, is magic!

Ehrmn.... Alright yeah, he uses some of the physcical elements, but they're probably enchanted by magic to work well, so it's still more magic than science.|||More importantly, the Witch Doctor likely doesn't know (nor does he care) how it works other than that it does. This is the important factor separating science from magic; the interest in how a phenomenon works.

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