Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Witch Doctor Observations - Page 2


I'll bet things change somewhat before release. The WD needs to be playable as a "pure" summoner or a pure spellcaster, like the Necro is in D2.

Hell no, the idea of having a pure summoner is hideous.

It is clear Blizzard doesn't want history to repeat itself, they want the WD to be able to summon as well as to be a spellcaster. Time duration for the new summon skills is already evidence.


I hate this sort of response. If it wasn't clear by my comment or the fact that I bothered posting, the WD's mechanics had/have promise to be the one that most fits my play style. I do not enjoy direct player-skill-monster dynamic as much as I do the indirect player-skill-SUMMON-monster dynamic.

The problem is that:

1) I have always found his visuals weak in comparison to the other characters;

2) He now appears actually weak in comparison to the all the other characters, as his summons do no damage and his spells do very little;

3) His skill list makes it look like there will be very few possible builds.

My hopes are that he will undergo a heavy overhaul, getting better skill visuals, damage and variety.

What I think is that the WD is something of a new concept, Blizzard would've tons of spells made for the WD (and probably for the other classes as well) BUT remember, they have to balance the skills with the rune system implemented as well.

I think the WD is the most interesting class to use runes on, especially if they can be used on his summons.|||Removed


Hell no, the idea of having a pure summoner is hideous.

It is clear Blizzard doesn't want history to repeat itself, they want the WD to be able to summon as well as to be a spellcaster. Time duration for the new summon skills is already evidence.

I think they are making a mistake if they lock the WD into one style of play. I don't see anything wrong with being able to play the WD as either a summoner or as a spellcaster or as a hybrid. More options is better.

Oh, you may not enjoy the Necro summoner but many of us do. I like lots of builds.|||Quote:

Hell no, the idea of having a pure summoner is hideous.

Why? Does it ruin your enjoyment of the class if someone else is able to make a pure Summoner? With all the skills and passives focusing on Summons Blizz seem like they do want to make a pure summoner possible. They may yell that they don't want to do it, but so far their skills seem to say otherwise.


This is an absolutely good thing, as I don't want a pure anything out of the WD. A mix is where it is and should be at.

Right now he has one build. That is **** for a character. No alternative way to play the character will kill off all interest in him really quickly.|||Quote:

I think they are making a mistake if they lock the WD into one style of play. I don't see anything wrong with being able to play the WD as either a summoner or as a spellcaster or as a hybrid. More options is better.

Oh, you may not enjoy the Necro summoner but many of us do. I like lots of builds.

If that's what they aare doing then I imagine the WD would be far more complete along the development process by now. The fact that they are locking out so many skills and redoing/retinkering the WD points out that a lot of WIP is still abound in making the WD more varied. Summoning and dark spells aside I hope the WD is NOT like the necro at all. What's so great about waiting so many years for another necromancer when you can just play D2??|||Right now he looks limited. I can agree to that. However, that gets us nowhere. Blizzard will change him over and over and over again. And then change him a couple of more times. This discussion is therefor pointless. It may be fun, but it's still pointless. If he still has only one viable way to play when they are starting to close in on beta, then there can be legit concerns about the way they have made the Witch Doctor.

Until then, have fun.|||I'm kind of siding with Mad Mantis here, but I do have faith that Blizzard will allow diverse builds with the WD class. It would be a HUGE mistake for them not to allow this diversity, as all the other classes would be able to specialize.

Therefore, I think they should make it so a pure summoner, or a pure caster (as in DD spells/DOTs), or a pure (maybe not pure..) crowd controller, IS viable.

But, either way, I do believe the class will have diverse builds. I am very confident that Blizzard will not f*** this class up.

I'd still play him though even if he did have only one viable build :P|||I am of the opinion that at least 4 builds should be possible with the Witch Doctor:

1. Direct damage (with your choice of emphasizing fire or plague skills)

2. A summoner, with an army of buffed-up Mongrels, zombies and a Gargantuan

3. A mind control build of some kind (like D2's Mojomancer)

4. A minion/direct damage hybrid

I also agree with a previous poster who argued that Blizzard should replace a few of the Witch Doctor's useless passive skills with some new mind control spells.

Mind control is part of the Witch Doctor theme, and should be explored much more thoroughly.|||Quote:

I am of the opinion that at least 4 builds should be possible with the Witch Doctor:

1. Direct damage (with your choice of emphasizing fire or plague skills)

2. A summoner, with an army of buffed-up Mongrels, zombies and a Gargantuan

3. A mind control build of some kind (like D2's Mojomancer)

4. A minion/direct damage hybrid

I also agree with a previous poster who argued that Blizzard should replace a few of the Witch Doctor's useless passive skills with some new mind control spells.

Mind control is part of the Witch Doctor theme, and should be explored much more thoroughly.

I agree completely, the only thing is a bunch of skills were NYI or WIP like the fetish skills so who knows if they keep going with that idea you could have a fetish summoner or a zombie summoner or a mix, so it just opens up many possibilities. Or also with all the summons that you cast and forget about (plague of toads, corpse spiders, etc.) theres another build if they make it viable. Personally im excited to make a WD that focuses on the toads!! that will be fun.|||What if the Witch Doctor had a top-tier mind control spell that actually allowed him to turn monsters into minions?

It could work like "Parasite," in that it would be a curse that would only take effect if the monster died while under the curse.

So you cast the curse, the monster dies while cursed, and it arises to serve you.

Call it "Possess."

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