It's almost as if it is a completely new seperate class, and I for one will play it like that too. At least for the WD, I will have a reason to create one twice.
A male one who specializes more in the death/disease abilities and the female one more of an yet to be revealed side of the WD.|||Quote:
I don't mind that the male and female WD are so different.
It's almost as if it is a completely new seperate class, and I for one will play it like that too. At least for the WD, I will have a reason to create one twice.
A male one who specializes more in the death/disease abilities and the female one more of an yet to be revealed side of the WD.
The female version will definitely be 'revealing'

And goddamn do those masks look good on the WD|||lol whats with all those necro-lovers flaming the WD again?
I think the female variation of the WD will be as the nasty as the male, maybe slightly younger.
For the babarian, hmmm, just think of an Amazon variation.|||Choose an old man with arthritis in his back? No thank you. He might just drop dead out of the blue during battle. The excitement was too much for his frail heart to bear.|||I would play the female IF she was a representation and recognition that women do exist with less than c-cup breasts and that some of them have stoops in the back as well. I want to play a woman in an action RPG who looks like an old and wizened Babuska.
See the above for reference to a game that does show at least one woman as otherwise. In a Miniatures game no less. Currently with what I have seen of her, the answer is a no. The female barbarian gives me some hope however in the concept art, thats shes not just a playboy bunny being covered in furs and given a sword. The same should be true of the WD female model not being a Sports Illustrated swimsuit model with a feather mask.|||Quote:
I would play the female IF she was a representation and recognition that women do exist with less than c-cup breasts and that some of them have stoops in the back as well. I want to play a woman in an action RPG who looks like an old and wizened Babuska.
See the above for reference to a game that does show at least one woman as otherwise. In a Miniatures game no less. Currently with what I have seen of her, the answer is a no. The female barbarian gives me some hope however in the concept art, thats shes not just a playboy bunny being covered in furs and given a sword. The same should be true of the WD female model not being a Sports Illustrated swimsuit model with a feather mask.
I agree, but Blizzard has to consider their target demographic: something along the lines of males age 13-30, and busty women definitely attract the crowd much better than one looking like Mother Teresa (no offense to Mother Teresa for she did wonderful work).|||Quote:
I would play the female IF she was a representation and recognition that women do exist with less than c-cup breasts and that some of them have stoops in the back as well. I want to play a woman in an action RPG who looks like an old and wizened Babuska.
See the above for reference to a game that does show at least one woman as otherwise. In a Miniatures game no less. Currently with what I have seen of her, the answer is a no. The female barbarian gives me some hope however in the concept art, thats shes not just a playboy bunny being covered in furs and given a sword. The same should be true of the WD female model not being a Sports Illustrated swimsuit model with a feather mask.

THis is the image I referenced but somehow didn't appear as a link like I intended.|||Quote:
I agree, but Blizzard has to consider their target demographic: something along the lines of males age 13-30, and busty women definitely attract the crowd much better than one looking like Mother Teresa (no offense to Mother Teresa for she did wonderful work).
I am pretty sure busty women is now what made Diablo so popular, and if a company has any decency they can avoid doing it, just like so many others did. And they could always make a busty sorc and a non-busty WD and so on.
I'd be interested in playing this "Witch" stereotype, for once.
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