The name fits the class better (Witch Doctor classically refers to a healer while Witch classically refers to a Black Magic User).
It's one word adding to consistency (all other class names are one word).
In D3 lore Witch can refer to male or female just as Monk can refer to a male or a female.
It sounds better.|||witch doctors are not just about healing. in some tribes a WD is seen as a symbol of death who can comunitcate with the death and even bring it back as a soul to place in a host. this is where the first mediums came from. some tribes have WD who practice voodoo magic to curse and kill those who fight against their tribe. these are the more steryotypical WD who use shrunken heads.
hope i have been a help.
if we had a witch his/her power would be more orientated towards the black materialistic magic side of things where the WD is more spiritual magic.|||Witch doc feels for me like a Druid. You can summon a small party and do elemental magic. I think this is not a Necromancer-type character.|||Generic, you return with this topic once more? I still say, changing to witch makes no sense.|||Removed
10char|||Yeah, back in october of 08 (notice my join date). He also posted it in the official forums, much like he has once again.
I would just like to state for the record I did not join solely to disagree with him back then.|||I think Witch Doctor is fine the way it is.|||

There can be only one.
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