It has nothing to do with his skin color. Please don't imply that I'm racist out of the blue, it's quite rude.
What I'm saying is that aside from a character's skills and overall combat effectiveness his persona and graphical representation play a significant part in a player's mind when they are formulating an opinion of them, subconcious or otherwise. That said I'll give an example of what I mean:
Character - Connotations (what they're persona/image brings to mind):
Barbarian - Strong, Fierce, Brutal, Weary
Wizard - Mysterious, Cunning, Arrogant
Witch Doctor - Frail, Weak, Crackpot, Guy who smoked a few too many joints.
I think with a few graphical tweaks/changes maybe a name change we could change the Witch Doctor to have a much more "formidible" persona.
Do you see what I'm saying?
I think I'd love the Wizard, seems a pretty cool class

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