Though I believe there is no video showing Spider Statue.|||Quote:
Which ones have you not seen? Most of those are from when the game was announced. Check the D3 site's WD page and the 20 minute gameplay video on there. Then there are some new videos from Blizzcon that are about the wizard but also have the other classes like this one:
Though I believe there is no video showing Spider Statue.
Thanks for that link, I have not seen any Blizzcon videos before now! Plague of Toads looks awesome.

Firebats is also kind of weird. Why would he bother setting bats on fire if he could just throw fire at the enemies. Yeah, it's a cooler concept than just having another plain-Jane fire looking spell, but what if the fire was just shaped like bats? It would have the same vibe of him summoning up the animal spirits of his home jungle, or whatever, and it wouldn't have the odd (at least to me) aspect of utilizing actual, somehow extremely flammable animals.|||I would prefer a SpiderWeb, immobilizing the enemies and then eating them alive with the
But totem looks cool, I think it fits very well with the WD concept.
For the bats... yeah, it's more cool this away. I also can't understand why he use the fire this way, but perhaps his fire is low range and he prefers to cast it near him, and let the bats fly away over his victims.
Or perhaps he have to pay tribute to his gods using animals ans spirits.
Anyway, I like it too much ^_^|||I like the idea of Spider Web. It would still function like a trap sort of spell; it would be more like crowd control since it would immobilize monsters AND attack them instead of just attack those that happen to be passing by, and it makes more sense that the WD would be summoning a web than a statue. Although, I haven't seen any pics or video of Spider Statue, so hey maybe it's pretty awesome.
And I definitely think Fire Bats as it is now is a lot better than if it just looked like Inferno or any other spell that just lobs an orangey-red glob.
Using actual bats does fit in with what we know of his character, it seems. The poison frogs hop around and explode and he can blow up his mongrels, so it makes sense that he sets bats on fire. There's a whole theme of animal cruelty evolving in the WD...|||True, and designers also mentioned serpents too, bhugy. One of the remaining skills of the WD will be with vipers

I can't wait too see it.|||Hmmm, maybe in keeping with the whole "WD is cruel to animals" thing, they'll give him a snake-cannon skill. That way they could please the people who want guns AND everyone who wants snakes!
Hardy har har.
But really, I can't wait to see how they use snakes in his spells. I could definitely see some kind of summon where the snake constricts enemies or eats them whole. Or a zombie-snake pet to go with the zombie dogs would be cool too.
Gosh darn it, Blizzard!! Announce something new!!|||The whole "bats on fire" thing is related to the Statue. Blizz had said the theme of the Witch Doctor is that he's using voodoo magic. It's not like the wizard's magic where you can just cast stuff from your hand. The voodoo magic requires special materials. The Skull of Flame is a Skull filled with chemicals. When locust swarm is cast, he takes some special dust and blows on it, making it turn into locusts. Similarly, the Spider Statue is a special totem to call spiders and channel them. And the Bats are lighting them on fire and using bats as the actual projectiles. The toads come from Stones (I think).|||Thats a pretty good explanation, anyhow why do we have to look for logic? Its magic! Maybe the bats are masoquist, who knows?|||its not magic its voodoo

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