"For the Witch Doctor, we wanted to create a class whose pets were not his primary source of damage output."
I respect that, since Blizzard doesn't just want a replacement for the Necromancer, and there isn't anything wrong with dishin' out your own pain, but I might tear up a little (just a little) if I don't have an army to do my bidding.
Methinks that the Necro will come back in an expansion (hopefully) which will once and for all fill in the summoner role, but hey, we could always use two summoners . . .|||I think more along the lines of a summoner who can pack his own punch. Nothing's worse than being a summoner and having 1 or 2 slip past the army and hit you in the face....and they count the zombie wall as a summonable.
On top of that the summons have different roles such as frogs slowing stuff down, zombies distracting and blocking and locusts (I count them asminions, why not) to sprea out and hit everyone.|||Seriously I made a pure Summoner and didn't like it one bit.
I don't understand how the term " fun" applies when all one has to do is to stand there and let the computer do the fighting.
That is probably the reason why they made the WD, they want your character to be part of the action, and not just the summons.
Oh yeah, summoning of skeletons and golems are so passe, I sincerely hope they will never appear in D3.|||... and i don't understand how much fun is too spam one spell (hamerdins, ww barbs etc.). Do you see my point? Some people like it (like me ^^). Commanding personal legion of doom give really nice feelings. I never liked druid because his creature were <nah> even with mod removing cap limit >< and looks like wd will fit same role so it making still open slot for full summoner type class maybe in exp.
Because you do not like this type of gameplay, fine, skip it but do not force yours on others.|||Quote:
... and i don't understand how much fun is too spam one spell (hamerdins, ww barbs etc.).
It's a different scenario, you are involved in the battle, you kill the enemies, not the computer.
Because you do not like this type of gameplay do not force yours on others.
Technically they are already imposing this into D3, that is why the WD was created, and Jay has already mentioned they don't want him to rely mainly on his pets to do the killing.|||Quote:
Technically they are already imposing this into D3, that is why the WD was created, and Jay has already mentioned they don't want him to rely mainly on his pets to do the killing.
I still believe that they are going to give the WD something more, though. In the gameplay video, it is stated that the mongrels are the first of his summons, which means there will be more. But mongrels already take up the role of the dispendable distraction.
But if they added a single golem-ish minion with some nice killing ability, it wouldn't hurt Wilson's vision of the WD. Just like how having that single grizzly bear didn't make you a summoner druid, 'cause you still had to fight along side of it.
P.S. If there is a WD golem, it should actually be able to kill uglies . . .|||Quote:
It's a different scenario, you are involved in the battle, you kill the enemies, not the computer.
With summoner you are involve in the battle too even if you do not kill personally you need pay attention to fight how it evolve, cast buffs, debuffs, reinforce your army or you may loose or even die.
Technically they are already imposing this into D3, that is why the WD was created, and Jay has already mentioned they don't want him to rely mainly on his pets to do the killing.
He is same like druid.|||His summons aren't as much of an army as much as they are spells as far as I can tell. Do you think that the locust swarm, firebats or toads count as summons?|||Controlling an army might be fur for some, for other, it's plain annoying. Summonmancers tend to crowd the screen making it hard or impossible to have a clear view of the situation - atleast I'm suffering from this problem.
Now, didn't blizzard said they wanted to keep things simple and clear - by for instance only 4 people in a party. Throwing a character with the same summon properties as the necromancer would ruin this idea. A single summonmancers counts for 3 or 4 other classes in the aspect of crowding the screen. So I'm afraid summonmancers won't come back.
On the other hand, do you think its better to have lots of weak summons or a few strong summons. I would like to see a few strong summons more then a lot of weak summons. They are much more functional while keeping things clear and easy.|||The WD will most probably be able to summon the dead aka Revive as one of their high level skills.
But this is just my speculations

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