Doesn't the number 5 skill look new?|||I think 5 is a potion button. Might be wrong.|||In the Wiz trailer there seems to be an old style health potion in that slot. Could be coincidence, but I think that it is the potion slot.
Honestly I'm curious if Blizz has released new skills for the WD. Should give us more info on what they want to do with the class. I must say that I find it unsettling that the one demo about the WD mentions not a single new skill.|||I have to agree, it looks like a potion slot. Looking at the skills on the bar in the larger view here( you can see that the outline of the button in question looks quite different. The raised button effect of all of the other buttons on the bar have a thick light blueish line at the top and a thinner one going down the right side. The 5th button however has a smaller button size and the lines on the top and right are a darker gray color. You can also see these lines going along the left side and bottom, not so on the skill buttons. I can't say that it is or is not a potion, but I think its safe to say that it isn't a new skill.|||The spider skill is different. It works like a curse, that corpse explodes enemies when they die into spiders that eat more enemies.
If you ask me, that's ****ing awesome, and I want a WD build centered around that to the same level it was possible to center a Necro around CE.
(the source is the IGN WD hand on)|||Spider Curse sounds like an awesome skill. I wonder if it is a substitute for Spider Statue or an additional skill...
Hope we'll see some more WD skills!|||Quote:
The spider skill is different. It works like a curse, that corpse explodes enemies when they die into spiders that eat more enemies.
I'm wondering if that skill spread out like Rabies did. If the spider infect other enemies who also relies spiders upon death.
Hope we'll see some more WD skills!
According to what Flux posted the WD finally has an almost fleshed out skill tree with 50+ skills. I'm hoping he is able to write down a few of those. It should be able to give us an idea on what Blizz wants with the WD.|||I found some more info concerning WD skills on the interwebs (diablofans).
...everybody enjoyed the Corpse Spider spell in which a zombie comes out of the ground and vomits up spiders.
We also heard about some of the other spells for the Witch Doctor such as Mass Confusion, Fetish Army (which many of you will recall from Act 3 in Diablo 2), Gargantuan (which is apparently like a larger version of the Mongrel), Parasite (which infects your enemies so they'll fight for you), and some other ones we didn't hear much about such as Grasp of the Dead, Spirit Barrage, Firebomb, Sacrifice, and Horrify...
So we have Corpse Spider, Fetish Army, Gargantuan, Parasite, Grasp of the Dead and Spirit Barrage so far. Sounds pretty cool. Hopefully we can see some of these as well...|||SOmething I found on the Blizzcon website at the Q&A preview:
The witch doctor can also haunt enemies, creating a wandering ghost that sucks the life from all those pesky demon types.
Maybe a description of one of the new spells mentioned above, or another new skill? Sounds a bit like Soul Harvest though.. (except for the wandering ghost :-P )|||Quote:
SOmething I found on the Blizzcon website at the Q&A preview:
Maybe a description of one of the new spells mentioned above, or another new skill? Sounds a bit like Soul Harvest though.. (except for the wandering ghost :-P )
Soul Harvest gives you life (mana?) if you kill an enemy with it, rather than just hurt them.
Also, that description can just be a DOT, not leech per se.
I'm excited about the new WD skills

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