He might rock, but there is also the chance that we will be disapointed in him and his abilities. He will have to be able to do some pretty cool stuff from the get go for me to be impressed.
I haven't seen the barb doing any "cool stuff" on the demo videos and no one's complaining. So, why is the Witch Doctor so special? Why are people demanding so much from this class? Can it be because it became fashionable to complain about the Witch Doctor? mm?|||Quote:
I haven't seen the barb doing any "cool stuff" on the demo videos and no one's complaining. So, why is the Witch Doctor so special? Why are people demanding so much from this class? Can it be because it became fashionable to complain about the Witch Doctor? mm?
Uhm... standing toe to toe with masses of enemies, while unleashing earth shaking abilities, which come only from the usage of brute strength, is pretty cool.
Pot shotting with lobbing fireballs is less so.|||So you don't like to play with the Witch Doctor. I personally don't like to play with the Druid in D2. Joe over there doesn't like the Sorceress much. Doesn't find her cool. And Frank doesn't really appreciate Assassins and prefers the Amazon.
I can't stand Act II. But Frank loves it and Joe doesn't really care. Joe doesn't like Act III, but it's one of Frank and I favorite...
I could go on forever. But I think you see the point.|||Well, I think that the lore that inspires the witch doctor isn't very well known. The tribes and people who held the beliefs that were that inspiration know no greater evil then the spirits of the jungle etc. I'm no expert, in fact I'm making half of this up anyway, but the point is that it's unknown territory; we're not conditioned to respond to spirits and voodoo the same way we respond to dragons and demons etc. But the idea is that they are just as epic. It is, however, up to Blizzard to provide the convincing story and atmosphere and personality to really bring this character to life.|||Quote:
I haven't seen the barb doing any "cool stuff" on the demo videos and no one's complaining. So, why is the Witch Doctor so special? Why are people demanding so much from this class? Can it be because it became fashionable to complain about the Witch Doctor? mm?
I feel like the barb is almost automatically cool because he's a huge brute with bulging muscles. He's a pretty traditional representation of ideal masculine cool. He doesn't have to do any "cool stuff" because he already aesthetically fits a definition of cool.
The same goes for the wizard, in a way. The wiz is the "big explosion from a small bomb" character, and that fits a different, but still somewhat traditional, definition of cool.
The witchdoctor fits a less traditional definition of cool. People in this thread have said that he's a maybe-insane jungle-freak who doesn't brutalize his enemies in the same way as the other chars. It's kind of like rather than killing his foes, the WD changes them from being alive to being dead (that sounds a bit dumb, but I can't think of a better way to say it right now).
The way I see it, the witchdoctor, since he doesn't fit as universal a definition of cool as the barb and wiz, and since he doesn't (as far as we've seen) decimate his foes with the same brutish ferocity, will be seen as cool by a smaller number of players. If the devs changed his avatar to a tall, well-built, deep-voiced man's man, more people would probably say he was cool.
Personally, I like that he isn't just another traditional hero-type (kind of like the necro! WD=necro!! just kidding

The witchdoctor fits a less traditional definition of cool. People in this thread have said that he's a maybe-insane jungle-freak who doesn't brutalize his enemies in the same way as the other chars. It's kind of like rather than killing his foes, the WD changes them from being alive to being dead (that sounds a bit dumb, but I can't think of a better way to say it right now).
That has to be the coolest definition for the witch doctor I've heard since it was first announced!

Personally, I like that he isn't just another traditional hero-type (kind of like the necro! WD=necro!! just kidding

Hear! Hear!|||The silence of the swamps is broken as shrieks and howls of terror pierce the air. Out of the brushes jump out demons and monsters, their broken visages not ones of fierce battle, but of unspeakable horror. They trip as they run, their skins alredy half eaten by acids and locusts, flames spread out through the forest, spirits rise to the call. To the side a stragler's soul is severed from his body. Burning hellhounds rise up from the swamps to end all life, and those who had the bad luck to still be alive saw the visage of death itself, death so horrible it broke their otherworldly minds and made them put daggers to eachother's throats.
That's how I envision the Witch Doctor. Epic, is something that cannot begin to describe him.|||I just like the way he babbles when he tosses fireballs.

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