Here are two screenshots of the WD, with a helm that is not a Voodoo mask. So I'm guessing the option that says any helm donned by the WD will turn into a Voodoo mask graphic is incorrect.

holy crap those toads are the size of dogs|||how about a helm wearable only by the WD, like the fang helms in D2 and the other Barb helms|||Quote:
the death of all bad mmmorpg's
Your forgetting one thing, this is Diablo, not a bull**** MMORPG, I mean come on, Im a Blizzard fan, not a WoW zombie. Diablo is first and foremost a single player game, no matter what anyone says.|||knightmawko, don't bypass the word filter and don't double post.|||Maybe, all the helms change depending on what class picks them up? A barbarian picks up a goth helm, it turns into a traditional helmet looking thing, a wizard picks it up, it makes a circlet, and if a witch doctor picked it up, it would be a voodoo mask.|||Quote:
Now.. about the Voodoo Mask that the Witch Doctor wears. I'm guessing that it's one of four things:
A) Witch Doctor-only headpiece that has its own inventory slot in addition to the helm slot, taking visual precedence over any helm the WD wears.
B) Special "Voodoo Mask" type of headpiece that takes up the helm slot in the inventory, and can be removed or replaced in lieu of any other more traditional helmet/circlet/head-piece.
C) An unchanging part of the WD's avatar itself that takes visual precedence over any helm the WD wears.
D) A part of the WD's avatar that changes visually based on what helm is worn at the time.
I'm throwing my chips in on option D, but I was wondering if anyone had any information about this? I'm certainly interested..
Obviously by the looks of it, it's a WD only item. HOWEVER, upon watching the gameplay trailer several times until my eyes bled no more, I noticed 2 things.
1) The male witchdoctor had the same gear on as the female (I assume).
2) Both helms looked slightly different, the females helm had no horns and just looked less masculine in general.
This means Diablo III may have an item-look feature that varies by race. So a helm on a male looks different than that same helm on a female frame. Which would make sense, since females should look like females. That's why they added gender choosing, because people wanted to look like their respective sex.
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