I want a shriveled monkey paw. I want a chicken I hold by the feet with blood dripping from its throat while its nearly severed head swings. I want an elephant tusk that enhances my magic but can also be used to impale monsters with. I want a human spine with a enough connective tissue that I can use as a whip.
Sorry but a twig just is not going to cut it for this character.|||Yeah, a bloody chicken on the back of the WD would be awesome.

Seriously, the monkey paw or something sounds nice

Rubber Chicken with a Pulley in the middle?
Dude, I was waiting for a Monkey Island reference somewhere!|||Not too many gamers these days have played Monkey Island.|||The Butcher: "Aaah, fresh meat!"
WD: "I'm selling these fine leather jackets..."
I love it.|||yeah wands were dumb in d2. i liked the wands in Guild Wars though. they had some use albeit smaller than other more physically damaging classes|||I can't see a guy in leaves using huge metal swords. A WD should be using more organic weapons. So here are more random ideas:
Gharbad's horn - magical and stabby
Fangskin's tail - whip with a sharp point at the end
Stormtree's thorned mace - woody and spikey
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