Since there is no real base for definition for "pet" or "summon" you have to look at things in context. The context, in this example, would be the world and culture of Diablo from a lore and gameplay perspective. There has not, in a single description or story, been an instance of the term "pet" used to describe or define anything within (or without) Santuary so it isn't "supported in the text" as we say.
May this be true in another context? Certainly. Just not in a diabolical context.|||Grammatically, thus "technically", "summon" means to call. So in a game, TECHNICALLY the difference between summons and pets is whether you call or tame them, respectively.
A pet therefor is anything that follows you around and you care for.
A summon is something you "conjure" or that just comes when you call.
Examples: Having a Snow Leopard on WoW is a pet you tame. So it's a pet.
A Druid's Wolf or Grizzly is a pet AND a summon, because you call them, and they are part of your party.
The Druid's Ravens are summons, because you call them, yet they are not technically part of your party, as they don't have their own health bars.
Please note with this though, that even the Ravens on Diablo 2 can be considered pets, because you still have them in your party list at the top.
The only example of a summon that is NOT a pet would be like the Final Fantasy 7 Summons that come and go.
Risengred is correct with what he said. If you want to use lingo, you can MAKE whatever term for it that you want

Yet, the beginning point of this thread seemed to be based on the point of grammatical technicalities from what I observed. :P
Glad to help out. Feel free to send any hate mails about how much you hate someone in America actually knowing proper English terms. Or how some of you people are in a bubble, and don't see WoW as being part of the "real world" and how grammatics in the real world don't fit in the game.

Thanks ^_^
~WTV~|||Edit: Ahead of time, I know it's technically a grammatic error to start a sentence with the word "Or". Thanks

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