Any idea when Blizzard will make those new Witch Doctor skills known? 11 to 50 is an awful skill tree disparity.|||My guess is the next Blizz event, or near the holidays. Whichever comes first.|||Well it isn't sure they want to show to much either considering there will probably be alot more changes and so on before they are even done with the skills and so on that there is really no rush for them to show them yet since so much can still change.|||I assume everyone saw it by now, but here's the link.
As for skills, I doubt we'll get a big dump of WD skills any time soon. Maybe if they have playable machines at an event in the spring or summer next year; WWI in Korea or wherever, and some fans can see the screen and write down the info. (I expect major changes to Barb and Wiz skills by then, if they do.) I don't think bliz is likely to put a bunch of skills into screenshots or interviews, especially since we've got 11 active skills now, so most of the unknown ones in the lower tiers will be passives. Those aren't real exciting to describe in an interview, or demonstrate in a screenshot or gameplay movie.|||I'm more concerned by his description of the WD as a concept that they haven't locked down yet. To me, the ever negative, it seems as though they had a cool visual in their heads and just ran with it. Now they are struggling to fill out the character. The chance to end up with a char that doesn't do anything well is pretty high.|||Im really trying to like the WD but so far of the 3 classes we've seen Im betting he's the last one I'll try . As far as Blizzard expanding the character I dont see why they dont run with the Flayer Jungle concept a bit more . I mean he appears a lot like the flayers in act 3 so they could easly make him go that way . If they wanted they could let him summon those little pigmies to do his bidding like the boss guys in act 3 flayer jungle do .
Then he would be almost like the necro with his summons tree , and expand the voodoo curse tree some more , give him a blowdart tree with range damage skills and viola ...

any one even gonna play with wd as first = final char?
I'm pumped to play the Doctor for my first char, and he'll most likely be the first char I beat the game with. Plus every time I think about Plague of Toads I just laugh and think about the first time I'mma use that skill.
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