I'm not terribly excited to play him but it was just a thought.|||Quote:
and that the skills won't be as good since we wan't epic skills, not stepping stone ones

This is something that annoys me about all the blizzard press conference, not everyone wants to be over-the-top-epic... The witch-doctor seems like a good way to give the people that do not want to "pewpew-epicpwnage", but rather a less direect way of killing, like through the horrify spell and pets.
Unfortunatly it seems that the people who want every character to be more epic than the next, are also the people who whine the loudest and the most... It is good that blizzard listens, but doesn't act on everything...|||What I meant was that the Witch doctor is much more strategical in a sense than other characters so far. Instead of having mortal combat or blow them up with magic, we have a balanced character who can summon to do fighting, blow them up with spells, and turn them on each other. However, as this is more of a jack of all trades, the things he does are less epic. I personally don't care how epic it is, since after watching it 50,000 times as you destroy monsters, it doesn't really matter any more.|||I can imagine the witch doctor being quite epic.
Some guys go toward him. The witch doctor wears a blindfold, carrying some rattling instrument (some primitive tamburine decorated with skulls) in his hand. He begins mumbling, you can't hear what he says. He continues, and it speaks louder (in some ancient foreign language), and he starts shaking tamburine/maracas thing. It grows louder, he's chanting, as in trance, and all other noises start fading. You hear rumbling in the horison. He almost screams his final words and then.... something... big... comes... whatever, it's the tension up to that moment that is the cool thing.
I've always liked witch doctors and shamans. Their mystique, their communication with the spirits, them always keeping their cool, being wise, never being too impulsive etc.|||It would get boring after a while to have to go through that each time. Lumpor. Nothing can be truly epic and interesting if it doesn't change very much or have many strategic uses. Sorcerer's burning trail was cool, until you could barely kill anything with it

Fire wall was useful in dealing damage to anything coming through a door way, small corridor, etc, but didn't last long or do to much damage. It got nerfed to much.|||Quote:
This is something that annoys me about all the blizzard press conference, not everyone wants to be over-the-top-epic... The witch-doctor seems like a good way to give the people that do not want to "pewpew-epicpwnage", but rather a less direect way of killing, like through the horrify spell and pets.
Unfortunatly it seems that the people who want every character to be more epic than the next, are also the people who whine the loudest and the most... It is good that blizzard listens, but doesn't act on everything...
Thanks Fackelare...that's why we'll have a choice in which character we want to play. If online gameplay will be geared towards multi-party play, then I'm positive the Witch-Doctor will be a valuable member to the team. Some ppl refuse to give credit where credit is due and base premature opinions and assumptions on what they think rather than taking into consideration what is currently unknown about all of the various character skill sets, equipment, cool down periods, etc., concerning all of the characters. Which is why they can't or don't want to consider or understand the reasonings behind Blizzard's inclusion of the Witch Doctor as an intergral part of the whole. Blizzard is developing well-rounded characters to appease various types of gameplay/style for marketability purposes. As it's been said many times, in many D3 forums, if one type of character doesn't fit your fancy there's always another choice. I still believe the Witch Doctor may just be the next sleeper to arise and own the day as an epic character acknowledged by the majority of the Diablo 3 community. We'll just have to wait and see. Physical power isn't the only type of Power that's epic.
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