What do you picture when you think of the Witch Doctor doing Epic Feats?
The Necromancer, lying in a pool of blood, dead at his feet, apparently losing out in a duel.

* cut to pieces, smashed to a bloody mist, torn apart
* blasted with mystic energy, frozen, electrocuted, blown away by a tornado
* eaten alive, set on fire, liquefied by acid, hunted down by otherworldly creatures, torn apart by spirit-possessed friends/companions you've known all your life, soul ripped from body
The witch doctor seems to have more ways of killing than others and those seem to be worse as well.|||When I picture the Witch Doctor doing epic feats, I see an extremely powerful, calculating, cunning, and cautious warrior who has quickly analyzed his party's strengths and weaknesses while unleashing unbridled powerful spells and "disposables" that rise from the depths of his Ghost Trance. I don't think a "party" will be able to easily survive end-game without him/her. He puts the good of the "all" before his own "ego", all the while knowing he's can own everything in sight if he was alone.
Looking at his picture, you can see his feet are planted firmly on the ground being not one to back down. His steady gaze shows that his mind is constantly analyzing his enemies weakness while at the same time charging up his strengths from the depths of the souls slain in his wake. He's swaying and his left hand constantly twitches because of the harnessed power coursing through his body. Yet he holds back, with what appears as an insane intensity while his powers simmer and shudder in anticipation of the next victory over his opponent. The W/D will not back down in the face of adversity. He knows that within him lies the secrets life and power over death. You had better be darned sure of yourself if you were to meet this character on screen or in real life.
I believe the witch doctor is going to rock for those who like the mental aspect of battle over the physical. I'm hoping the developers are doing a little more background research into the skills of the character they are calling "witch doctor", which could be the reason why we don't know much about the skill set. If they do the research right, this character is going to surprise a lot of people who think he's just a caster wimp. Don't let his size fool you, this guy's gonna rock cause big dangers can come from small and meek looking packages! A powerful caster/summoner/melee rolled all in one!
His epic fight? Watching him slay everything in sight with multiple skills all working at the same time with him laughing while beating the stuffing outta the enemy! Whop, Whop, Whop.
Turn off your lights and look deeply into his eyes...don't be scared...after all...he's on our side!|||This is personally how I see things.
The barbarian hacks things apart, killing something before it's even ready to confront the barbarian. The barbarian has spent years analyzing foes and has fought demons before so he doesn't need to spend time analyzing his opponents. What won't be taken care of with a whirlwind? All of his skills so far look like they will continue to be useful throughout the game.
The wizards destroys everything at range with explosive magic, she's better than everyone else... Her skills range from being completely, barely, and not at all useful throughout the game. Slow time will probably continue to be useful as will teleport.
The witch doctor's skills so far have barely anything continuing permanent use. The mongrol enchant may be an example of how they tried to make them eternally useful, but that's forceful and you have to follow a certain path in order to do so. Firebomb, mongrol, locust swarm, and partially soul harvest all have little use later on in the game. Soul harvest is a stepping stone that basically builds other spells later on and modifies them, almost like a different mana perhaps? The other thing is that the witch doctor horrifies, then kills while they are confused. Technically, this isn't really fair play and is basically using any methods possible to defeat enemies

I don't think it's much of a secret that I am, currently, opposed to the design of the Witch Doctor in general, however, there are many on this board that seem fairly adament about the validity of the Witch Doctor, which has led me to question my own position on the class, and begin to wonder what it is, exactly, others truly see in the class. I believe I have put my finger on what my ultimate difficulty is. I don't actually have a mental picture that represents the Witch Doctor as being awesome, or at all Epic. I can conjure a picture for the barbarian and the wizard with ease. However, the Witch Doctor seems to allude me.
For the Barbarian it has always been the picture of a war torn man, cut, bruised and battered, holding a giant war-axe above his head ready to swing it down towards the gigantic dragon that he is fighting, his face filled with all the rage and battlefury of a man ready to face oblivion because he's seen so much death that his own would be only one more number in his mind.
For the Wizard it is the picture of an old man being surrounded by multiple enemies and he lays waste to them with a ring of fire around him which sears the bones off of their flesh. His eyes are burning flames which light up his face as he shouts out the words of a long dead language which fuel his arcane might.
When I picture the witch doctor... I picture a man hunched over a cauldron, stirring a brew, in the swamp, with a mongrel chewing on a bone. He is adorned with all the regalia that one would expect of the witch doctor.
This is a fine picture, and extremely atmospheric, but, in my mind, it suits an NPC more then a PC. What's lacking, to me, is the sence of the truly epic. I can easily picture the wizard and the barbarian in epic posturing, but the witch doctor, in my mind, still rests as a character which would hide under the table while the big boys did their work.
So I invite fully and openly; What do you picture when you think of the Witch Doctor doing Epic Feats?
That's what makes the WD so appealing. He's original, he's new. It's a brave thing Blizzard did to bring the WD into the game. Though I would have probably preferred the Necromancer, the WD is the next best thing. He looks very ghoulish, his posture is tribal, the whole parkinsons-hand-shake thing he's got going on adds to his persona.
I like the idea of a skull-clad wilted old man, that packs a punch. I'm totally playing a Witch Doctor, **** the other 2 classes.|||Quote:
I don't think it's much of a secret that I am, currently, opposed to the design of the Witch Doctor in general, however, there are many on this board that seem fairly adament about the validity of the Witch Doctor, which has led me to question my own position on the class, and begin to wonder what it is, exactly, others truly see in the class. I believe I have put my finger on what my ultimate difficulty is. I don't actually have a mental picture that represents the Witch Doctor as being awesome, or at all Epic. I can conjure a picture for the barbarian and the wizard with ease. However, the Witch Doctor seems to allude me.
For the Barbarian it has always been the picture of a war torn man, cut, bruised and battered, holding a giant war-axe above his head ready to swing it down towards the gigantic dragon that he is fighting, his face filled with all the rage and battlefury of a man ready to face oblivion because he's seen so much death that his own would be only one more number in his mind.
For the Wizard it is the picture of an old man being surrounded by multiple enemies and he lays waste to them with a ring of fire around him which sears the bones off of their flesh. His eyes are burning flames which light up his face as he shouts out the words of a long dead language which fuel his arcane might.
When I picture the witch doctor... I picture a man hunched over a cauldron, stirring a brew, in the swamp, with a mongrel chewing on a bone. He is adorned with all the regalia that one would expect of the witch doctor.
This is a fine picture, and extremely atmospheric, but, in my mind, it suits an NPC more then a PC. What's lacking, to me, is the sence of the truly epic. I can easily picture the wizard and the barbarian in epic posturing, but the witch doctor, in my mind, still rests as a character which would hide under the table while the big boys did their work.
So I invite fully and openly; What do you picture when you think of the Witch Doctor doing Epic Feats?
It's a cryptic, creepy old man, with some form of localized parkinson's in his hand, possibly due to being so filled with spells and curses and all sorts of black magic it's starting to physically effect him. I imagine he speaks in a deep, african voice, mumbling at times. The skulls of his victims he carries on his belt, and attaches to create voodoo paraphernalia. What he lacks in physique, he more than makes up for in magic lethality.|||I'm more interested in the different way that the WD plays: yes, you get summons to keep enemies a little further away, but most of the direct damage spells seem to be short-ish range. If you want something further you go slow (Skull of Flame) or you explode your summons.
Nice trade between safety/damage...|||Quote:
And, over all, a picture capable enough of doing many things with creepy animals, with the power of voodoo, mind and souls control and things like that.
That sounds awful...doing things with creepy animals, come on! Go see a psychiatrist...or do creepy things with naughty animals!

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