I think there will definitely be some vodoo. I'm not sure how it would incorporate with gameplay though. Maybe like 20 second warm up and you can do 25% max life dmg to any boss at slvl 12 and cooldown time of 3 minutes or something.
I also expect fire/poison elements. It can't have too much or it might take up sorcs place (if there is a sorc?).
Its too early to speculate imo.
"Time said wait. We all listened."|||I've said this in the forum before, but seeing as this is the same category, might as well see. I will remove this if unwanted. All skill effects are with one point investments unless stated otherwise. Black Death Description: This would be a revised, top tier skill that would essentially be Locust Swarm. However it would have a period of.
Time passed, Damage, Penalties to speed, accuracy, and defense, Side Affects
10, 10, 10%, None,
15, 15, 25%, *,
18, 30, 50%, Continued,
20, Spell Ends,
*Black spots, coughing blood or no effects. Coughing blood causes the monster to pause and the blood is infectious. If monster dies within spell with black spots, they explode to deal 10 damage and infect anything within a radius. If the enemy was coughing blood, they dissolve in a pile of blood. If there were no effects, the monster dies normally. The area where the monster died would be infected. Path of the Spirits Description: This is a medium tier skill. You would assume a soul like state and be able to pass through enemies. Damage to you would be decreased to 10% but you would not be able to attack in most ways. You could utilize soul attacks similar to Nahuatl (listed below) or others, but at penalties to damage and or effects. Spiders Description: This would be a low medium tier skill. This would consist of spider(s) made out of the souls of an enemy. Depending on how you click, it could summon a swarm of small poison dealing spiders that strike once (clicking on the ground), a large tarantula that lays eggs in any killed monster (clicking on an enemy), or generating a spider that weaves webs on the screen which slow enemies down (clicking on yourself). You can have one of each type of spider. The swarms of spiders would inflict poison damage of 2 over 1 second, and consist of a swarm of 10 spiders with 1 health. The large tarantula with a health of 25 hp would have a ranged 5 damage poison attack along with a 10 melee attack. A web weaver would have a health of 50 hp, and at first weave webs that slow by 10% or have a 5% chance of trapping for a couple of seconds if a critical is reached. At first it would weave at 1 sq yard per second. The web weaver would intelligent AI to benefit you most. The webs of the weaver would go away after 15 seconds. The webs can be based off of walls and don’t have to be on the ground. If there is only one enemy present, and the enemy gets trapped, then the weaver would completely wrap the opponent up in a cocoon. After a while, a large tarantula would emerge from the cocoon. This could be made into three skills. Nahuatl (Aztec name for snake) Description: Low Tier Aoe skill. This is a skill that creates a translucent snake that wraps around opponents which would inflict 5 damage, and stop them. Nahuatl could also eventually deal poison damage. This skill squeezes monsters together. Once the spell ends, it gives you however much damage was inflicted as life. The critical would yield a chance to get snake with wings, similar to Quetzalcoatl, that deals massive poison, physical, dark, and other elemental damage. Graveyard (Necromantic) Description: High Tier Skill. Graveyard is an Aoe damage skill. The area becomes a minefield graveyard where zombies would arise, attack an enemy, and follow, issuing 25 points of damage with each hit. Undead hands would hold enemies in a spot until killed or the duration of the spell ends. Critical would make an enemy sucked down into the graveyard. Spirits of Limbo Description: This is a low tier skill. This skill calls upon the souls of limbo. These are souls that cannot move on. The WD releases souls to avenge their situation against opposing forces. This skill uses low damage aspects, 5 damage per soul, would summon 5 souls, but would employ "heat seeking" accuracy. Critical strikes cause weird twitching if the monster was killed with critical. Sorrow's curse Description: Medium tier Aoe skill. The Witch Doctor touches his enemies with the soul world, slowly ebbing life away starting at 5 dms and ending at 20 dms. Should the monster die in this period, deceased souls occupy him, sending him into frenzy for a few seconds. The duration of the spell is 10 seconds. Critical would be a nova of sorrow’s. Ancestor Spirits Description: High tier skill. The Witch Doctor forms soul replicates of his ancestor's spirits to fight for him. These spirits include past Witch Doctors, warriors, and archers, which fight for him. Only an archer would form at first, then a fighter, and finally the other witch doctor. The archer would deal 10-25 damage, while the fighter would deal 15-25, and the witch doctor would be based off your own character. A critical causes a whole tribe to appear to fight for you. Rain Dance Description: High tier Aoe skill. The Witch Doctor performs a rain dance summoning torrential flash floods, rain, and lightning. It would be a skill that would take a given 5 seconds or more to perform. The rain affects fire and lighting based damage. The flash floods could sweep away opponents, bash them into things, causing damage, and have a good looking animation. The lightning would strike foes for a high amount of damage dealing 1-100 damage and water would deal 25-50. Soul explosion Description: Medium tier Aoe skill. You gather the souls of enemies and charge it into a nexus that spreads a certain distance away depending on power gathered. This spell causes those under the nexus to be slowed down by 20% and the gathering range of the spell is the 10 yards of original gathering + range of nexus. While casting this spell, you can't move. Upon releasing the spell, you unleash the power gathered into the area of the nexus. If you are hit while charging, you preemptively release the power and the spell activates and 50% of the damage goes to you. Shrink Description: Medium tier skill. This is a curse that shrinks the target by 25%, reducing damage, accuracy, resistance, and health by 20%. After 5 seconds, the target returns to normal size but suffers 5% accuracy and damage loss from lack of coordination. Critical death shrinks the opponent’s head, which falls off, if applicable, and kills monster. Heads may be collectible and or used in other spells for bonuses. Soul bomb Description: You explode part of an enemy’s soul, causing damage to the enemy and the surrounding area depending on the life of the enemy. Critical hit causes a chain reaction and if there are enemies around it, they have soul bomb casted upon them.|||Can you please make your suggestion shorter?
I mean, they seem interesting and I really want to read them but I just can't.
Too many, too much. If you want to add lore to the skills, at least write their ACTUAL effect in bold or something...|||Okay

It has been made shorter, though it's still long

There was only a couple of sentences on lore, I just went into deep detail about the effects.
However, reading something that long, (I think it took two pages in word?), is daunting for blogging...

What kind of skills you think blizzard will give our new little rave-fanatic old man?
I was just thinking about a tank-summon(something like the golem) of a three-headed mongrel , he uses is sick magic to combining 3 mongrels to create a big, fat summon that can take some beating and do some juicy damage as well!
Please, add some thoughts
Well the witch-doctor as we know it comes from realities versions. Particularly in Haiti, there have been reports by many whom know the witch-doctors or bokors as they are known, have actually raised the dead before.
So with that being said, I'm quite sure we can expect to see more than the cute little zombie dogs. Instead, I'm willing to bet we will see a spell that will resurrect a dead corpse (like the necromancer skill from DII). There may also be spells that put their opponents to sleep, spells that cause paralysis NOT in the form of being stunned.
I think the Witch Doctor will be quite similar to WoW's warlock, already we can see similarities in the skill trees. If we were to break both down to the basics we have 3 trees for the WD and the Warlock.
DoT (Damage Over Time)
Affliction - Warlock
Plague - Witch Doctor
Nukes/Direct Damage Spells
Destruction - Warlock
Spirit - Witch Doctor
Demonology - Warlock
Voodoo - Witch Doctor
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