Wirt|||I think one of the problems people have with the Good Doctor is that it is very difficult to picture him slaying the armies of the Burning Hells. But if you watch some of his videos, the WD is very explosive and deadly, his Skull of Flame attack causes a significant blast of loud and deadly fire, his Locusts stream out from victim to victim until their's nothing but a pile of bodies on the ground. He's way more dangerous than we think he is.|||Ok. Here's my opinion:
The Locust Swarm, particularly has all the potential to give the same level of satisfaction as skills like Frozen Orb when you see everything around you dropping like flies with a satisfying skill noise. I seem to think this will become a rather common skill in WD strategy across the whole game.
The Firebomb for some reason reminds me of Hattori Hanzo's (Samurai Showdown) fire attack. Maybe because of the fire trajectory. A potentially powerful skill also because of its splash damage.
Horrify looks awesome as a support skill. You can see this in the skill video as the WD uses Horrify after LS and the monsters still get affected by it. This skill is also an hint to the fact the WD may as well be a character you want off melee conditions.
Mass Confusion is, along with Horrify, a traditional support skill. Nothing much else to say here I guess. Useful for crowd control and to thin down the number of immediate threats. Another good hint the WD is definitely a caster at heart and the best is yet to come with the missing skills.
Soul Harvest seems to have the potential to kick royal arse and boost the WD in the process. It's always a cool concept and the sound effect is very cool. But there's isn't much we know about this skill yet...
The pets are in my opinion the weakest concept. Exploding pets or "poisoning" them with LS is all interesting and stuff, but WD and pets... I just can't see the connection. Neither I was particularly impressed with the choice. I'd rather see fetish-like pets, than frog-like ones.
Wall of Zombies was the skill I saw and immediately fell in love with. I love the concept, I liked the artwork and it has great strategic potential if, as I suspect will happen, it becomes more resilient to damage on later levels and lasts longer. The damage it may or may not do can be of minor importance, but I suspect Blizzard will not just make this a minor aspect of that skill and WoZ will become a very common acronym on the years to come.
A combination of skills seems the way to go with this character which may make for a much enjoyable experience away from more straightforward melee and caster classes. In any case I must confess my love for this character and the almost guaranteed chance it will be my first option when the game ships.
.. And we still have skills on the works. What could be better?|||I agree with Krugar. When I think of a Jungle Witchdoctor, i don't really envision zombie dogs around him. I rather see fetish-type pets. i.e. Pygmy undead with blowdarts ..running around with the WD mindcontrolling them. Even pygmy undead with knives .. much like D2, Act III dolls.
I posted my opinions on another thread why its tough to put your finger on the one thing that you intrinsically know the WD character is comprised of. One of my observations that explain that is a lack of specific lore around the character. A second is design scheme, esp. the choice of the colors purple and green. But leaving those aside, this is what i see when I try to picture the WD in an epic setting:
I imagine an individual who rather intentionally gives off an aura that causes the outside world to mistake him to be insane. That is an intentional ploy. I see him holding ancient secrets of voodoo magic. He has the ability to alter reality through voodoo to control and invoke fear in enemies. He is a rather dark character who should be given a more serious facelift (color-palatte wise), to reflect the deadly practices he engages in: wars with other tribes to collect human body parts for his rituals. There should be more blood, petrified organs, shrunken heads, limbs .. etc.
The things the witchdoctor should invoke are mystery, fear, feigned lunacy, and an enigmatic aura which normal sanctuary society finds difficult to understand. Instead now, I feel that he retains a certain goofiness and a lack of seriousness about him which is detrimental for natural character progression.
Edit: You know what else I feel fits with the WD? Trances. I imagine a WD going into violent epileptic trance-like states with his eyes rolled back, and his body convulsing. Maybe when he accesses Mwkele Mbeme (sp?) that could be implemented.|||Let me start off by saying, the WD is not a necromancer 2.0.... i wont state reasons, but they arent... Necro is more pansy based while WD is more Clint Eastwood based.
Locust Swarm: i love it, and it also has side uses (like cast on mongrel)... i think that Jay Wilson talked bout Functionality and some other stuff... he said that more buttons is not as good as adding more uses to 1 button, or something along the lines...
Skull of Flame: If u dont love this skill, you are in a Coma.
Horrify: If **** happens, this is ur best friend....
Mass Confusion: If **** happens, this is ur 2nd best friend....
Soul Harvest: Looks awesome, does awesome things, is awesome...
Pets: i want more of them, mongrel seems to be fun, I definitely want more... Mongrels seem to be fun, if im correct, they will still be usefull even on hell difficulty, cause multi-use rocks...
Wall of Zombies: need i say more?
My small suggestion that might suck or rock.... i recently saw lion king, and the monkey shaman/wd (whatever), Rafiki, had some turtle shells in his crib. Now i think the WD may find some use for these shells, i mean he found use for skulls... wont be long until WD finds a use for them. And it does fit, in the jungle there must be big turtles...
2nd small suggestion that might suck or rock..... Instead of mana, the WD gets Souls as his resource. Starts out empty, kills, collects souls, uses awesome skills, profit. Some skills wont require Soul like Skull of flame, cause its physical. But to use Horrify, Mongrels, mass confusion, he will need Soul. whatch ya think?|||[For the Barbarian it has always been the picture of a war torn man, cut, bruised and battered, holding a giant war-axe above his head ready to swing it down towards the gigantic dragon that he is fighting, his face filled with all the rage and battlefury of a man ready to face oblivion because he's seen so much death that his own would be only one more number in his mind. ]
YEAH!!!! I love how you put it man!|||Well i kind of see him like an old feeble man...who has incredible energies inside of him, capable of devastating huge areas with powerfull magics in one blast. Kind of like Moses, who didnt seem a great threat but would then devastate Egypt with terrible plagues, or like the leader of the undead in The Cronicles of Riddick, who could strip out your soul and crush it with his own hands. Or even like The Mummy. As you see hes like a great many characters

Maybe its just a visual issue though. I don't even specifically have a problem with the colour, just its prevalence throughout the character.|||I picture the enemies seeing something like this when meeting the nice doctor

I think of a picture like this when the Witch Doctor is doing something Epic
For me he's one that the Burning Hells will have to watch out for

horrify is way superior to terrify or howl or whatever that totem skill the barbarian had (CRAP!) cause it hovers over u head and the monster kept running away and when they came back they would retreat again. quite a nice effect.
but mass confusion is what im looking forward too especially if the monsters can kill each other... cause in d2 they cant really unless theres some really strong ones vs really weak ones. DISAPPOINTING!
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