I am trying to figure out whenever that would attract or scare away the stereotypical 12 year old children to/from playing the WD.|||Quote:
Some mummified demonic wang, perhaps?
I am trying to figure out whenever that would attract or scare away the stereotypical 12 year old children to/from playing the WD.
You have a point...aw nutts|||The human spine whip would be awesome. And maybe a voodoo doll in the other hand...|||I'd like to see the Witch Docotors use magical gloves and gauntlets instead of wands.|||Like Sass said, monkey/cat/demon paw is intresting and funny idea.
other stuff:
doll, bird head, puma/lion/monkey jaw, horns, tongue

I want to be a WD not an orchestra conductor.
I want a shriveled monkey paw. I want a chicken I hold by the feet with blood dripping from its throat while its nearly severed head swings. I want an elephant tusk that enhances my magic but can also be used to impale monsters with. I want a human spine with a enough connective tissue that I can use as a whip.
Sorry but a twig just is not going to cut it for this character.
Your tone is annoying, you're like one of those "I-want-yada-yada-I-think-yada-yada" idiots.
Anyway I guess they can approach the wand approach but not a piece of wooden stick but rather with a shrunken head attached , or feathers and otherwhat-have-you voodoo thingy.|||What about a rubber chicken with a pulley in the middle? He could wear some fine leather jackets for the extra defense rating.|||When is the WD seen using a Wand? The gameplay vid on the site shows him with a Dagger.|||Well i think the mace made of skulls which leaves magical powders behind is real cool, its in the diablo 3 official site on the wd page.
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