to this:
It may all be as simple as using the worst possible armor set for your demo. Or I hope so.
Do those of you who like the WD as is really prefer the funky little dude as he is in gameplay vids to the concept art?|||The biggest problem I see is the massive amount of purple. The concept art has a much darker color palette.|||i Guess that blizzard tried out alot of armors, some of them darker but when they tried the prule, having seen all the others they thought that it was differnent, which made it cool|||I also gotta comment on the female WD... in the concept she's like a youth, how the hell does she go from there to a saggy old lady?|||Easy.
You just pour neon flashing purple.|||Quote:
I also gotta comment on the female WD... in the concept she's like a youth, how the hell does she go from there to a saggy old lady?
It's called 'Concept Art' for a reason

This is totaly Diablo to me, but it seems Blizzards 3d art staff got to turn everything into Disney vibrant la la la land ever since WoW. I mean they are amazing but its like everything they do is just a bit to cartoony and the witchdoc suffers worst from this imo
neon headfeathers doesnt feel scary at all, just wierd, and i actually look forward to playing this character.|||Not sure if you guys are aware, but the villain in Disney's upcoming 'The Princess and the Frog' is, incidentally, a Witch Doctor:

However, Disney aside, I do think that you guys are being a little harsh on the WD's look. The whole point of the Witch Doctor looking physically frail is just that. I do think that it's very flavourful to have this old and frail-looking man be in command of such power.
As for the colour, I don't think it's fair to single out the feathers in his headgarb, as it does fit in with the colour palette with the rest of the game. If Blizzard were to mess with the visual style of the whole game now, then the WD might look out of place. However, given the current art direction (which I don't really have a problem with), I think he looks great. :]|||Quote:
As for the colour, I don't think it's fair to single out the feathers in his headgarb, as it does fit in with the colour palette with the rest of the game.
And yet the Barb doesn't look like he used to be a Disney Villain. The changing style is because they let most of the WoW team work on D3. You can see it in the huge shoulder pads, the lighting in the dungeons, the textures of the dungeon and in the design of the characters. Why the barb escapes Disneyfication and the WD doesn't is beyond me.
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