And yet the Barb doesn't look like he used to be a Disney Villain. The changing style is because they let most of the WoW team work on D3. You can see it in the huge shoulder pads, the lighting in the dungeons, the textures of the dungeon and in the design of the characters. Why the barb escapes Disneyfication and the WD doesn't is beyond me.
It's just because the 'stereotyped' image of a Witch Doctor does tend to be more colourful.
Imagine if Blizzard added these fellows as a character class: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Landsknecht Everyone associates their flamboyant clothing as part of who they are. It's the image which is readily conjured up when you think of them.
Likewise, the 'concept' of Witch Doctors which I imagine most people would have would typically involve large ceremonial masks with lots of feathers.|||Quote:
It's just because the 'stereotyped' image of a Witch Doctor does tend to be more colourful.
See, I'm not against colorful. What I am against is the neon colors Bliz decided the WD needs. There are all kinds of shades for each color. The WD could use the entire rainbow in his color scheme and still come out looking sinister instead of looking like the Las Vegas strip.|||Um, z00t if you're going to link to wikipedia for a Landsknecht, perhaps you should also compare the wiki WD aswell, and I dont know about the rest of you but this:
Looks a lot more creepy and a lot less neon/vegas/stripper (nothing wrong with the last one) than the Blizzard rendition of a WD. True it may not look exactly Diabloesque themed, but surely they would work around that to get a more respectable, less purple doctor that everyone could be happy with.|||As much as I know you all are tired of the D3-WoW comparisons I have to say that this whole argument reminds me of the controversy(if you can call it that) that happened when Zul'Aman was released. Granted a lot of the armor from that particular instance was goofy looking, particularly the plate gear that looked like it was made of wood. However, the leather set, which received a lot of flak from the rogue and druid community, I actually liked a lot. More than that it reminds me of the controversy surrounding the Warlock class tier 8 set. If you are unfamiliar with either you can find both through a quick google search.
Anyway, I'm under the impression that the Witch Doctor's looks is borrowed from, or at least an homage to, the Darkspear Trolls from WoW. The hunched back, the colors, heck even the class itself. If you don't believe me just take a look at this and judge for yourself. http://www.wowwiki.com/Witch_doctor
Trolls, like the Witch Doctor, have always been unpopular. Not only because they have bad racials, but also, and more so because people don't like their animations, their general looks, and, perhaps most importantly in context of this argument, their hunched/slouched back. I, on the other hand, am of the few that do like the look of both the Trolls and the Witch Doctor, more so the latter, and yes I even like the neon purple feathers.|||Well the nothing is final, could be changed at any time.
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