Even though it was hard to make out what exactly was said (with all the blizzcon noise in the background) I think the acting is amazing. Much better than in previous installments. I can't wait to hear the female/male wizard and female barbarian next. ^^|||I'm so glad the Jamaican accent is there, but not as thich as I thought it would be as I pictured Calypso from PotC as well before seeing this.|||One man stands out above the rest, so much so that I wish he'll make a comeback.
"Damnit! I wish you people would just leave me alone."|||Quote:
One man stands out above the rest, so much so that I wish he'll make a comeback.
"Damnit! I wish you people would just leave me alone."
Sorry, him and Lysander went Brokeback Mountain elder-style 'til they croaked... man those guys were old

Seems like the more we find out about the game the more everyone can't wait to play.
Indeed ^_^.
Maybe Blizzard knows what's best for us.|||Quote:
Seems like the more we find out about the game the more everyone can't wait to play.
This is very upsetting to me, because I know the odds of my head exploding from anticipation are quite high. I really want to play DIII before my head explodes - I fear it will be quite hard to play without a head.|||It's going to be a very difficult wait for the next year or two, I fear.

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