Sorrow Curse
The enemy is touched by death, its lifeforce oozing away. It does not notice until it is too late, lashing out at its companions in a mad bid to save itself
A wide AOE that inflicts damage over time. If an enemy dies while under the curse (not necessarily because of the curse) it will go mad and attack anything nearby for 2 seconds.[/QUOTE]
I REALLY like this one! Very cool and original.|||a totem that the WD summons and can't be moved... could enhance the partys damage within it's range (like all of ur allys deal 10% more fire dmg while they are in he totems range) or affect the enemies (all enemies in the totems range get 10% more fire dmg or it could slow down nearby enemies or stunning/freezing etc in it's range could last 30% longer) or it just could cast attacks just like the d2 assasins traps
and i think a spell that includes the azteks famous feathered snake would be great
or how about a buff that if the WD dies in the next 3 mins all the enemies in his range turn against each other for 15 sec
or how about u summon a couple of snakes (maybe 3?) that wind around the enemies, putting them in chains. dealing damage by strangeling them OR stopping them from blocking or attaking for some time by tying their arms to their bodys OR slowing/stopping their movements by tying their legs together... it would be coolest if the snakes would have 1 of those abillitys each and once they are summoned they only can do 1 of those until you summon some new ones... so it is a bit of a gamble what they are gonna do|||Ancestral Spear. Similar to Bone Spear, Flies in a straight line through a bunch of enemies. I like some of Leugi ideas like flame breathe and swarm shield. Maybe instead of Brew of the Death, the witch doctor can be possessed by his gods and ancestral spirits and temporary gain their powers.|||Plague of Vermin
The crawling things of the jungle gather at the Witch Doctor's command, forming a seething carpet eager to go forth and feed.
A circle of bugs/snakes/rats forms at the WD and moves to where he right clicks. Any enemy inside the circle takes damage. The WD can continue to hold the button, moving the mouse around to have the vermin follow and attack new ground.
Taddl, I had a similar idea.
One of the most ancient and deadly spirits of the Unformed Land, the Anaconda will crush your enemies, literally.
A targeted spell. Where you right click becomes the epicenter of a ghostly anaconda, coiled in a circle. It quickly constricts, dealing damage to enemies inside and pushing them closer together.
Go for #3:
Fire Fan
Just one of many tools of the ritual dances, the fire fan can be enchanted to float like a bird but kill like a jaguar.
The fire fan is cast out, flying in a straight line and spewing fire like an inferno spell. It damages enemies it passes by, and can be Runed to bounce when it hits a wall.
sorry, no totems. Totems are a shaman thing, and we don't need any more WoW connections. Witch Doctors could have spirits or Dolls.|||Quote:
or how about u summon a couple of snakes (maybe 3?) that wind around the enemies, putting them in chains. dealing damage by strangeling them OR stopping them from blocking or attaking for some time by tying their arms to their bodys OR slowing/stopping their movements by tying their legs together... it would be coolest if the snakes would have 1 of those abillitys each and once they are summoned they only can do 1 of those until you summon some new ones... so it is a bit of a gamble what they are gonna do
Yes! ExtraCrispy said it too, though i would vote for "summon anaconda". The number/duration of anaconda's summoned could increase with more points in the skill, and it could also have a passive, "constriction", that increases the damage done.
I think the anacondas wouldn't have to be spirits, because if everything the WD summons is undead, we might as well call him Necromancer. Then again, if he summons animals, he might be a druid rip-off.|||I think the next WD summon will be ghosts or spirits.|||Something to do with snakes, that's for certain. You can't have a jungle warlock without evil snake summons of some kind.
And ExtraCrispy, what is a Witch Doctor but a Shaman?|||Location, Naja. Although both witch doctors and shamans are traditionally considered the healers and religious leaders of their tribe, Witch Doctors are traditionally from jungle regions, while shamans are from plains or temperate zones. In addition, shamans get the power of the spirits by consulting with them and praying to them. witch doctors use bend the spirits to his will, infusing concoctions with their might. QED, WDs are less nice and understanding.|||I would like a Capoeira skill, making the WD better at meelee. Would give him some diversity, and could also make for some pretty neat attack animations..

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