I keep hoping that they'll say "just kidding, the WD was a placeholder for insert_cool_class_here".
Big *** LOL here.
I keep hoping that they'll say "just kidding, this is the WD last year. Here's the REAL Witch Doctor <insert awesome animation>"|||I personally love the WD’s design. He’s original in the sense that he’s the exact opposite of what you’d expect a hero to look like. And that’s great I think. I’m so fed up with seeing the generic proud, noble, muscular, Arian, Caucasian 18-29 year old hero. I’m guessing most people want their hero to look like some ghey boy-band singer rather than an actual ominous and threatening looking warrior (Spawn anyone? He’s nothing like superman or batman and yet I think he’s the most badass super hero ever, despite him looking absolutely hideous). The WD throws everything that is sinister and evil about a Diablo game right into the face of the player. Nothing he is or does is something you’d expect from a fantasy hero. I there for think he's absolutely awesome.
I do however agree that the spells we’ve seen thus far are rather boring compared to the other heroes. I still love their concept but they’re just not impressive enough to be high tier Diablo spells. But seeing as there’s still a lot of development left to do I guess we’ll just have to wait and see how his skills and talents will work out in the future.|||Yet all the female heros look like super models?|||True, but I guess that’s just the modern gaming industry.

The WD idea is a GREAT idea on paper, but Blizzard seems to be having a hard time implementing that into gameplay. Sure he's the most original and unorthadox character so far, but that's no freakin excuse; I've read fanmade skill ideas that are far more interesting than the skills they've chosen. One could argue that these skills need to 'work' within the gameplay, which dictates which ones make the cut. If that's the case, then I say they made a sorry compromise for gameplay's sake, which is unfortunate because in this context, I truly believe they can have their cake and eat it too.
Disclaimer: This oppinion is not set in stone, as it won't be until i actually play the game for myself.|||I've never been a fan of the WD. It doesn't fit into the lore. The Sin War Trilogy did not represent the jungle population as derivative ripoffs of 1800s British African Imperialism culture. I find frog tossing as a skill to be wimpy and insulting at the same time.
Honestly, I think Blizzard was bold and ventured outside of the box on this one, and they're seriously having a hard time fitting the WD to the game, and may be trying to fit the game to the WD instead. That's the danger with innovation. I do give them kudos for trying, but the game is based on romanticized western European mythology, culture, and fantasy. Against that context, it's hard to take throwing frogs and sicking Fido the dead poodle on your foes seriously.|||That's not to say that you can't go to exotic locales, but the context of the game, playable classes, and main sources of conflict should follow some type of theme.
Sometimes it's the notes you don't play that make the music.|||I also think mongrels are a letdown. Come on, with the whole concept of the witch doctor, they culdn't think of anything else to summon?
Maybe it was a low level and should seem bland, but it's basically as basic as a summon an get. A small four-legged beast using his mouth to bite enemies, how original|||Quote:
I've read fanmade skill ideas that are far more interesting than the skills they've chosen. One could argue that these skills need to 'work' within the gameplay, which dictates which ones make the cut.
What surprises me most about the skills he has is the complete redundancy we see in his skills. How many nuke spells do you really need in a single character? If they all would do something vastly different then it might be justifiable, but they all look the same. Then there are the ton of passives that increase the damage of your spells. Seems rather 1-dimensional to me.
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