I never thought of the witch doctor as a fire mage but it seems to me the fire effects seem o be more flashier than locust swarm in the video.
The first spell we see the WD cast. I'd love to see what some of the runes do for those locusts. I think Blizz is focusing more on the fire because as stated, we like explosions and things burning. Personally I prefer creepy, deep colored spells.|||It has been stated, somewhere, by, I wanna say Bashiok himself but Im not sure, that the firebomb skill defines the WD, so alot of people assume that this is a gateway skill to much much more powerful fire based abilities.
After seeing firebat I am pretty much set on the WD as my first class, unless the next two are even sweeter.|||I do not think they will have only one character that does fire damage. That was the great thing about D2. There where many builds for each character. Off the top of my head D2 had the following fire builds:
Fire sorc
Caster fire druid
Melee fire druid
Fire Zon
Fire pally (weak I know)
Fire trap assassin
If one looks through the mat/pat/guardian compilation in the single player forum you can get an idea of how many different ways there are to play each and every character. There is no way that Blizzard would be dumb enough to break that model by making any D3 characters limited to a specific damage type or role. From what I have seen the Witchdoctor will have at least 3 primary damage types in Fire, poison and magic and a 4th would be his summons probably.|||Quote:
just as long as the witch doctor can keep up with the DPS of the other classes ill be fine.
because the necro didnt really keep up =\ summons climbed and then just leveled off and eventually declined in the later difficulty levels of d2. and the bone spells couldnt really kill the higher level monsters in 1-2 hits.
oh and back to the actual subject. making 1 char a 1 element character is never the way to go cause eventually ull come across someone immune to that element and ull have to find people to play with just to get past it. so dont just say the WD is only fire.
blizzard wont make the WD a "1 trick pony"
Eh.... summons necro annhilates the game as fast or faster than a hammerdin, which is faster than any other class. Level 20+ corpse explosion, maxed skellies and magery, kinda brings the house down fast.
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