Seriously I made a pure Summoner and didn't like it one bit.
I don't understand how the term " fun" applies when all one has to do is to stand there and let the computer do the fighting.
That is probably the reason why they made the WD, they want your character to be part of the action, and not just the summons.
Oh yeah, summoning of skeletons and golems are so passe, I sincerely hope they will never appear in D3.
...i hope you will never appear in D3 :P
seriously the necro summoner was actually original..and its lazy yeah....but you still have to keep paying hell need to debuff and recast summon and not can actually be the most strategic class in the game...but guess you didint bother to l2p with that kind of attitude
anyway the WD isnt even a summoner is pet are basicly just weapon and not really doing much dmg by themself...he look nice but like blizz said its not a replacement for the necro...the WD spell so far are all revamped old spell of other class...i love the locus one and the zombie wall...but its still just the same spell with other graphic...the pet bomb are original though..but il probly build mine as a caster...or else il probly be dissapointed and keep thinking about the necro :P
the necro was the first class to ever control is own little army and still is the only one in any game like Diablo...i really wish they will make a summoner of some kind that does dmg with far im really happy but...still barb,wiz and WD are not that original for class...i think about the WD as the druid in D2 lol|||Quote:
Seriously I made a pure Summoner and didn't like it one bit.
I don't understand how the term " fun" applies when all one has to do is to stand there and let the computer do the fighting.
That is probably the reason why they made the WD, they want your character to be part of the action, and not just the summons.
Oh yeah, summoning of skeletons and golems are so passe, I sincerely hope they will never appear in D3.
The feeling of having your own legion of terror, death and pain to do your bidding goes beyond anything that i can imagine. Fighting evil with evil jest gives me so much sensation. In Diablo 2, you dindnt have to be a summoner necromancer because you could advance in other spells as well, which made more people happy than jest creating a class that kinda had minions but had more personal firepower. Now that they might take away that versatility really takes away the feeling of destroying evil with your own set of evil, cause lighting strikes, axes, and fireballs cant be labeled as evil attacks. But your own army of undead minions is like fighting fire with fire.|||I like WD.
LOL Psycho. You say WD is unoriginal. Necromancer was in the Last game, so unless they change him a lot when they bring him back, he will be unoriginal.
Barbarian is not the same. They changed him a LOT. Lots more flashy attacks now. Plus he's old.|||Quote:
You say WD is unoriginal. Necromancer was in the Last game, so unless they change him a lot when they bring him back, he will be unoriginal.
Thank you SO much for this statement. I honestly think the only reason most people are complaining about the WD anyway is because he's a hunched over africanesque man rather than a skinny old white man ala the Necro.|||Necromancer was never original in the first place. Golems and armies of skellies has to be the oldest RPG cliche in the book ><
He had a few novel abilities... Bone Wall was something new... but undead minions are old, old school.|||Quote:
Necromancer was never original in the first place. Golems and armies of skellies has to be the oldest RPG cliche in the book ><
He had a few novel abilities... Bone Wall was something new... but undead minions are old, old school.
I think modern RPG's need a purposeful touch of old school, which is why I really like the new DnD/Star Wars Wizard. With everyone trying really hard to make something new (Which is darn near impossible) maybe if you just went old school you'd come up with a nice retro feel that some of those Old Geezers can enjoy.|||Quote:
Necromancer was never original in the first place. Golems and armies of skellies has to be the oldest RPG cliche in the book ><
He had a few novel abilities... Bone Wall was something new... but undead minions are old, old school.
Name me one one other game that allow you play necromancer with personal undead army then we will talk about originality, yeah there is always tons of necromancers, skeletons, golems in other rpg's but they are always on other side than player. Diablo 2 gave you chance how would be just once on this other side in term of power.|||Quote:
Name me one one other game that allow you play necromancer with personal undead army then we will talk about originality
Everquest had an undead-summoning necromancer class a year before D2 came out, just to name one:
I'm pretty sure EQ got this from one or another MUD, like most of its content, but I don't have the documentation to link.|||Lol, a mmo? But i give a point for finding one "game" even if i don't touch a mmo even with stick. I am not multiplayer freak so i was thinking more about single-player oriented game, oh well i don't touch mmo or muds so diablo's necromancer for me very refresh.|||LOL Smash

There's nothing much original in Everquest either, but I'm not very interested in spending the time it would take to document earlier playable undead summoning classes

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