This is the only Real gameplay we've seen. As you can see it's a lot different than the demo.|||Quote:
I just need to take a look at the announced skill lists of the classes on the main site to see what's going to happen.
Although I share some of the concerns you have I feel that this is the point where we differ. You check that page and see two classes with loads of kick-*** skills and one with a bunch of "meh" skills. I see two fully worked out classes and one where they aren't even sure of the concept.
It is easy to make a class look good if you can choose between SIXTY fully worked out spells. Much harder to do with 11 that seemed like a good idea at the time and might need some more work.
Although I really like the idea of the WD and can see the spells and mechanics come into their own or failing miserably I'm mostly bothered that he is underdeveloped. I fear that he might not get the attention a possibly unique class like his needs to be effective and good. Like you said, controller classes like these often get the short end of the stick because you need to really know where you go with the class in order to let it shine. For most companies this tends to be too much to handle. We'll have to wait for further information from Blizz before we can tell whether they can handle the WD or if he will be underpowered and played only by a few.|||I fail to see how anyone can dislike the Zombie Wall. Really though, for me if nothing else, the flavor of the WD really is what makes it for me. All I want is a kooky old doctor with a couple of tricks up his sleeve.

Right now for the Doctor it's utterly opinion based since we barely know anything about his skills and killing ability. I'm goin' absolutely kookoo waiting for Blizz to announce anything about the WD, a SINGLE SKILL would make me happy!|||Quote:
I suppose the only thing that I can say to this is that you and I have clearly played different games. The game I've played is a game in which anyone who tries to control is simply left in the dust behind those who are dealing damage. If you've played a different game, and enjoyed it, then I congratulate you, but that has not been my experience.
This is Diablo 3. I know a lot of you want Diablo 2 with MORE ENIGMAZ but Blizzard is trying to make. the. game. more. tactical.
They'll fail, but at least they're trying.|||mass confuse makes the monsters confused not converted u can still attack them.
i hope its not really lame like in d2 where the monsters cant really hurt eachother... that was always lame cause they nerfed them.... same with iron maiden (which doesnt kill them either)
and i do believe zombie wall was all amped up in the wwi video so it wont just demolish mobs like that right off the bat but it was definitely very nice if uve got mobs coming from multiple directions.
dont hate the characters until uve played em|||Quote:
Lol My Oppion the witchdoctors pets can be the mobs playtoys while i wirlwind me way threw

I second this!|||I am concerned about how well the Burst Damage classes and the DoT & Crowd Control classes will play with eachother.
If you balance the game around the fact that you will NEED abilities like Zombie Wall, Confuse, and Terror to survive encounters, then the Witch Doctor will flourish in group and solo play. However, if that is the case, then suddenly the Barbarian's solo game will be cramped by the need to take groups of monsters in smaller, surgical groups due to the lack of extensive Crowd Control in their design philosophy.
On the other hand, if you balance the game around burst damage, then the Barbarian will certainly flourish in group and solo play. However, do that and suddenly half of the Witch Doctor's arsenal (and all other forms of Crowd Control) becomes useless in group play.
The two playstyles -- burst damage and slower, more manipulative crowd controlling -- seem completely at odds with eachother. How do you balance monster encounters without making Crowd Control either obsolete or necessary? Even a "middle-of-the-road" solution is bound to lean more in favor of burst damage opposed to slower, strategic options in fast-paced, group play. If one thing is true in this genre, people want the quickest line from point A to B when playing with others.
The only solution I can really see is to give ALL classes different types of Crowd Control. The risk with that is homogenizing the classes, however, and really detracting from the flavor that the Witch Doctor has.|||Health Globes offer a rather elegant solution to this. For the barbarian, he will be in the thick of the fighting, and therefore right next to any health globes that drop. His Crowd Control will be his HP. Whereas the Witch Doctor's playstyle is to avoid getting hit as much as possible, hence crowd control becomes important. Wizard just kills monsters before they get to her.|||Quote:
Health Globes offer a rather elegant solution to this.
Barb will still be killing much much faster than a WD who'll first be busy using CC before he can start killing. They don't fix the problem they promote the use of burst damage. Wiz will probably be OP and be even better than the Barb, because of her use of burst damage and long range meaning she won't get hit.|||Quote:
Barb will still be killing much much faster than a WD who'll first be busy using CC before he can start killing. They don't fix the problem they promote the use of burst damage. Wiz will probably be OP and be even better than the Barb, because of her use of burst damage and long range meaning she won't get hit.
Considering what we know about item drops and how health orbs work, what's the real problem if one class killing quicker than the other, as far as actually playing the game is concerned, outside of someone not playing a character suited to his/her style of choice? If we were talking about boss/Chaos-esque runs, then I could see where .
I agree that the Wiz looks like he/she will be overpowered, but that is contingent on the runes he/she will use in whichever skills.
The thing that worries me the most about the game at its current state is simply the sheer number of skills. If each class has 60+ skills, even with a limited respec, then I get the feeling that we'll be looking at a lot of Fends(though without the bug it would be a pretty decent skill, Conversions (minus Thorns), Twisters, Infernos (see Fend), and Leap Attacks, if you know what I mean, in a few months. I perosnally can't wait to crack a nice balance with the current skills.
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