PASSIVE: +% to poison skill damage and poison duration, also increases number of toads and spiders by 2.
Rune sockets :
Striking rune: ?? (ideas?)
Power rune: Pierce enemy resists
Multistrike rune: ?? (ideas?)
Lethality rune: +% critical chance and +% critical damage with poison attacks
Any Zombie Chargers under your command will instantly flock towards a single target of your choice and bite and infect, dealing X poison damage. They will keep flocking up to 5 targets, upon which they explode and release a huge poison cloud, of X damage over X time. Both zombie bite damage and cloud damage increase per point. Needs minimum of 3 Zombie Chargers.
The Witch Doctor throws a bottle of magic elixir on the ground and summons a homing levitating spiral moving mass of deadly liquid poisons. Essentially, a homing poison tornado. Deals X poison damage over X time, once its timer fades creates a massive explosion of acid bolts which deal further instant poison damage. More points increase damage dealt by tornado, and with skill runes you can have up to 5 tornados.
Summons a flock of demonic bats which flock to multiple targets on screen, tearing and rending flesh apart. This will make interesting use of the game's much hyped 'flesh and skeleton' system. The animation wil be so cool, enemies with various torn flesh and bones showing through. Bats deal X physical damage and monsters that survive (OUCH!!!) take +50% physical, fire or poison damage from the WD's own attacks or his summons (Zombie dogs, chargers, gargantuans, fetish, wall of zombs ...)
Can only be used every 45 seconds.
When the witch doctor is below 25% health, there is a 15% chance one of his minions sacrifices himself, granting 20% of his hit points to the witch doctor. More points increase number of sacrificed minions and % chance of sacririce happening.|||FETCH (kind of corny, needs a better name)
WD's minions automatically pick up health globes with which they come into contact.
If the WD is casting spells from behind his minions, this would prevent him from having to run into the thick of things to grab health. And with his skill that gives mana when he picks up health globes, this could keep him from having to get close to enemies to use "Soul Harvest."|||WRATH OF ANCESTORS: Send out multiple spirits of fallen warriors to hunt down and attack your enemies(sorta like hydra and bone spirit mixed into one). Lasting about 10 seconds with a 6 second delay. The spirits can't be attacked or targeted by enemies. Summons about 3 spirits at the first level and +1 every 5 levels or so with a small damage boost. They do weak damage but their attacks can stack up on a single enemy. They don't move super fast so they have trouble doing damage when a moderately fast monster is chasing you.
POSSESS: Send a vengeful spirit into the body of your enemy turning them against their comrads and fighting for you for a short period until the timer runs out and the spirit kills them. %chance of successful possession dependent on power of monster. Lasts 20 seconds or so making it a useless killing skill.|||Take an idea out of warcraft's WD the healing wards. except reverse it to degen AOE. set up multiple wards with AOE degen.
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