First tree is Plague which has skills like Plague of Toads, Spider Statue, and Locust Swarm
Second tree is Spirit which has skills like Skull of Flame, Soul Harvest, Firebats, and Mass Confusion
Third tree is Voodoo which has Summon Zombie Dog, Sacrifice, Wall of Zombies, and Horrify
The skills, skill names, and trees are of course not final but this is what was shown at BlizzCon.
I did use Mass Confusion and Horrify, two pretty cool buffs that mind control and fear enemy mobs, respectively. Spider Statue I'm not sure on though. Sacrifice is the official name of the "blow up your zombie dog" skill.

Although I don't fully understand how the skills are divided among the tree. I mean, why Soul Harvest and Mass confusion are Spirit and Horrify is Voodoo? And why Firebats are Spirit?
And most important- I want more summoning! Blizz probably don't want the WD to become too much like the Necro, but the Zombie Dogs just can't be the only minion he'll have (although the "benefit from elemental near them" abbility sounds cool).I want a whole jungle army with crazy jungle abbilities!
PS- Sacrifice should really get a better name. Summon Explosion (SE) IMO as some kind of a joke on the Necro's Corpse Explosion (CE). But if it's a separate skill, does it mean we can blow other stuff other than Dogs?|||great info!!|||Mass Confusion is a VooDoo skill aswell than? Just as Horrify?|||Something else though.
This link was posted on the Barbarian forum showing the Barbarian Skill trees and some new skills:
It also has 2 WD screenshots if I'm correct. They don't show much except the Skull of Flame description and some skill icons in the toolbar.
However the first WD screenshot (the one that shows when you follow the above link)shows a black icon on the top right of the screen. Is that the icon for Mass Confusion or is it an other (new) WD skill?
I think it is black because it's not activated but not sure about that.
Any ideas about that??
It seems to be a lvl 10 skill by the way..|||Quote:
However the first WD screenshot (the one that shows when you follow the above link)shows a black icon on the top right of the screen. Is that the icon for Mass Confusion or is it an other (new) WD skill?
Yes, I believe that is Mass Confusion because I know the spell was in the lvl 10 tier. I cast it on two bone archers from the other side of a chasm and watched as they turned on one another, so its uses are pretty entertaining. Too bad it didn't work on the Skeleton King.

Mass Confusion is a VooDoo skill aswell than? Just as Horrify?
No, Mass Confusion is in the Spirit tree while Horrify is in the Voodoo tree. Personally I think they both belong in the Voodoo tree (since they both control another creature's reaction/emotions) but like Bashiok said, everything is still being renamed and shuffled around. There is still a lot they are working on; from what I gathered the dev team was working on polishing up Act II with two more acts still to go, so there's till plenty of time for things to get changed.|||Quote:
I did use Mass Confusion and Horrify, two pretty cool buffs that mind control and fear enemy mobs, respectively. Spider Statue I'm not sure on though. Sacrifice is the official name of the "blow up your zombie dog" skill.

So did you run around Horrifying stuff that got close, then casting Confusion when they were a safe distance away and watch them slaughter each other? Fun tactic? Anything besides the boss immune to horrify or confuse? Does attacking things break the horrify or confusion spell?|||Quote:
So did you run around Horrifying stuff that got close, then casting Confusion when they were a safe distance away and watch them slaughter each other? Fun tactic? Anything besides the boss immune to horrify or confuse? Does attacking things break the horrify or confusion spell?
I used Horrify a few times to get mobs off of me, and I think I only ever managed to fear two mobs at once (but I was only about lvl 8). I used Mass Confusion purely for my own amusement.

My general tactic was to spam Skull of Flame when they were a good distance off and then Plague of Toads or Firebats if they got close or managed to kill my dogs. Soul Harvest to replenish mana when need be, rinse repeat.|||Let's just hope they come up with a cooler name than "Fire Bats". That skill looks so damned cool; it deserves a fitting title.|||I think Mass Confusion being Spirit and Horrify being Voodoo makes sense, since the animation for Horrify I think is a voodoo doll, or some kinda mask or something, while Mass Confusion doesn't seem to have physical manifestation, unless I'm mistaken on that point.
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