Monday, April 16, 2012

So what do you think is going on... this screenshot?

Are the embers of fire exploding all around remnants of enemy body parts that exploded from fire crit damage?

What is that bluish projectile like thingy on the top right of the zombie dog?

Is that a semi-formed WD-fire effect that follows a skull of flame?

What in the world is that bluish monster in the bottom left?

interesting screenshot ..|||@first point: I think so. I see bits of ribs, some meat, etc. To the far right, there is (probably) something similar in the earlier stages of blowing up.

@2. I think it's an ice mage, thought I don't know their skills. My bet would be an ice attack of some kind, but likely not from the WD (no cast animation for something that would have still been animating at that range).

@3 Probably. It seems to be a s/s of just before it rises and does the roar thing.

@4 IDK. I'd say some imp, but I don't think there's a beastary on that thing.|||@1: I actually think it's an statue or something similar that exploded with fire. If you look behind the WD there's a broken wall with some empty space.

In fact, it could also be related to the lever which is nearby. Or, did the lever lower the chandelier to the floor?

@2: Hmn... Some soul-icey attack?

@3: Most likely. There also seems to be one of those old fire mongrels beneath the fire.

@4: Some funny imp of some kind, I like that monster, is fun but looks a bit dangerous.|||Quote:

@4: Some funny imp of some kind, I like that monster, is fun but looks a bit dangerous.

I knew I saw that imp somewhere before:

The two dead imps seem to be of the same monster type (one by barb, second top left, hard to spot)|||Why on EARTH are there only 5 hotkeys?|||7 if you count clicks. They're auto cast rather than swapping focus.

It's like 7 active skills instead of two, and we aren't sure if those hot keys are linked to others or not.

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