Monday, April 16, 2012

WD armor/weapons ideas?

Ok, lets face it. The idea of a fully armored WD doctor is a really challenging idea. This thread is for all those who thinks how a Witch doctor can be properly equiped, with especific examples. I give you one or two examples to break the ice and to motivate you guys to make your own ideas.

What about tortoise shells shoulderpads? No metal, no cloth (not grass, at least not this time), just bonny natural protection. It would look nice and voodooish in my not so humble opinion.

And a lion pelt helm. That would look nice, and goes along with the Africa wildereness scenario of our favorite old rag.

now go and give some love to the Witch Doctor. If you can post images or your very own drawings to expose your ideas, be my guest.|||How about a stack of hay strung on by a hippo tail |||Check this out, it shows early concepts for the female WD armor progression quite well, seems pretty suiting for the theme of the character.

As for weapons, i won't forgive Blizz (just kidding) if they don't give the WD a Blowing Dart (preferably a long one), i can't imagine a jungle themed warrior without one.|||Heh. The last one still looks like light armour.|||I don't think it would be terrible if a WD with heavier armor equipped looked like he was wearing actual, metal armor. Conceptually it's passable, since he would be finding the armor in places that aren't his natural environment. I mean, he finds some chain mail in the desert, it's gonna be straight-up chain mail, not a bunch of bones and stuff.

Granted, it would take away from an area where Blizz could add another layer of originality to the WD (while all others in plate mail are covered in metal, the WD is covered in [insert something jungle-y here]). Of course, Blizz would make the WD in plate mail look original (like how the Necro had skulls on his armor, etc.), even if it still looked like he was wearing metal armor.

Personally, I would prefer the WD look like he's wearing actual plate mail stylized to fit his character, rather than a mish-mash of animal parts and leaves. I actually really like that concept art for the female WD in heavy armor. The breastplate, gauntlets, etc. all look metal, but the added flair of the feathers (or leaves?) tucked into the armor put a nice flavor on it. I could see a WD actually doing this, taking some found piece of equipment and adding shrunken heads, for instance, to satisfy his Witchy-doctory-ness.

As for weapons, I like the one piece of WD concept art of him holding a wooden shield and a big flail (it's somewhere on this site). He looks pretty darn fierce, more so than if he had a monkey paw on a stick, or something like that. I think spears would look good on him. With him being so old and hobbled, maybe he would look cool wielding some long, rusty, two-handed sword (using the power of the spirit realm or some such thing to give him the strength he needs).|||Quote:

Heh. The last one still looks like light armour.

That's my problem with the concept art as well. Each of the armors looks good, but none of them give the idea that they offer significantly more protection than the last. A lot of the vitals in the "heavy armor" version aren't even covered.|||Im working in some armour concepts arts. My final tests are over in 10 days, so keep the feedback guys, and dont be shy to give some ideas. As for you, bhugy, I think your right. The jungle law is the survivial of the fittest, and adapting some really usefull metal armor and pimp it in a voodoo style could suit the WD very well. Keep bringing your ideas and set your imagination on fire, guys|||The Witchdoctor is not a melee class. I am not sure if it will be melee viable in the final build. Since it does not seem like he will be taking much damage close up, I believe the armor should focus more on the enhancing of his spiritual powers, with emphasis based on decoration and trinkets rather than large pieces of thick armor. Higher defense armors should be more elaborate and decorative, with incredibly powerful armors being extremely ornate with jewels, large, colorful feathers, intricately made trinkets, and, of course, a large and incredibly detailed mask. This is not to say that the Witchdoctor will end up looking like a peacock. I am not implying that he should look ridiculously gaudy, but rather spiritually powerful.|||Well, looks like someone knows about what he is talking. Nice point men, I shall have it in mind in my current WD armor draw.|||Quote:

The Witchdoctor is not a melee class. I am not sure if it will be melee viable in the final build. Since it does not seem like he will be taking much damage close up, I believe the armor should focus more on the enhancing of his spiritual powers, with emphasis based on decoration and trinkets rather than large pieces of thick armor. Higher defense armors should be more elaborate and decorative, with incredibly powerful armors being extremely ornate with jewels, large, colorful feathers, intricately made trinkets, and, of course, a large and incredibly detailed mask. This is not to say that the Witchdoctor will end up looking like a peacock. I am not implying that he should look ridiculously gaudy, but rather spiritually powerful.

Granted the WD might not be taking much damage up close, but I still wouldn't mind if it showed when he wore full-on armor. I don't think casters necessarily look worse than melee classes in heavy armor. Even if the WD were standing behind a line of minions, throwing out flaming bats and clouds of poison, he would still look pretty cool in full plate mail, at least in my opinion. Plus, full armor would disguise the fact that he's a frail old man, thereby allowing him to intimidate the demons of Hell rather than just making them scoff

I'm all for Blizzard adding those ornamentations that you talked about as a way of making the armored WD even more Witch-Doctory (and therefore more B.A.). But I'm worried if all Blizzard did was add more and more stuff to the WD, rather than cover more of his body with heavier armor, it would present some problems.

For one thing, there's only so much they could do to dress up armor if there's not very much of it on the WD's body. Although, I suppose more powerful armors could cover him more, but with materials other than metal.

Another problem might arise when they look at the kinds of things they can do to ornament the armor. It would be cool for them to stick on some shrunken heads, etc. but stuff this small would be pretty difficult to see in-game. It could end up looking like the WD is just covered in a brownish mass of junk. Did you have anything specific in mind for the kinds of ornamentation you'd like to see? It could maybe work, but I'm having trouble imagining it.

Lastly, there would be a pretty huge risk of committing the crime of ridiculous pageantry, as you pointed out. Eventually, they would run out of small, non-distracting things they could do to WD armor to make it look more powerful. If they don't make it look like heavier armor, Blizz might end up just making the ornamentations more noticeable, and that could end up in peacock-territory pretty quickly.

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