Wednesday, April 18, 2012

What's missing?

There seems to be a consensus that the Witch Doctor isn't fully put together as a character. Not in terms of being unpolished, but feeling incomplete as a whole.

Can anyone narrow this down to a specific cause?

What should be done to make the Witch Doctor fulfill his dark, grisly potential?|||VooDoo skill where he whips out a voodoo doll and sticks a needle on it while his target takes massive damage.|||everyone feels this way because he isn't done, not even as evolved as the wizz|||Quote:

What should be done to make the Witch Doctor fulfill his dark, grisly potential?

Blizzcon '10.|||Quote:

Can anyone narrow this down to a specific cause?

That would be pretty hard. If you could narrow it down that much Blizz would have already done it. There are just a few things that aren't finished and a whole lot we don't even know anything about.|||I feel that the direct damage skils are a bit lacking. He has some cool DoT, AoE, and pets. But he doesn't have many big, direct bangs. It seems that he relies too much on others to do his dirty work. After the skull and the bats (unless it isn't a gruesome version of Inferno) are about all he has here. The other "direct" attacks seem to be weak Charged Bolts (the toads, the spiders). Now, I like the toads a lot and the spiders can be fun, but if there are easy to control and direct...maybe the character would feel more solid. If they are random like charged bolts (or worse) BUT you do not get the carpet effect (and just a small seeking ability), the witch doctor would feel like he is lacking control in the battle.

I have to say that I like the concept for most of the skills he has, but he needs a couple more Skull of Flame like abilities.

I guess it comes down to lack of aiming and control. To many "Cast and hope for the best" skills and not enough skills to support those.|||He's a jack of all trades, but isn't uber at anything. His minions are not tanks, his spells aren't mage-like, and his curses are just quick defensive saves. So to our inexpert eyes, he seems like he'll constantly be scratching to survive by using a wide variety of skills, without ever being really able to dominate. And he doesn't seem to have anything to contribute to the party, in a larger group game.

That's my from the hip opinion, anyway, though as others have said, he's far from complete and had a lot of skills not enabled at Blizzcon.

I have a question about this for Jay Wilson that's going up in tomorrow's update, actually. About potential WD builds and how he seems less varied in potential styles than the other chars.|||Quote:

...potential WD builds and how he seems less varied in potential styles than the other chars.

While I am excited about the WD for his lore and some of his skills, I see all builds coming down to:

Pets to keep damage off you, use DoT, aim skulls at the big guys or rangers in the back.

This and Mass Confusion and Locust to have the baddies hack at each other while taking DoT. OR (this should be fun) Locust a group surrounding you, Horrify the group so the infect everything surrounding. The latter less likely to work well but...could be fun.|||It's pretty sad and really disappointing that we'll probably (surely) won't see any change or update of the WD until Blizzcon 10. That another year from now.|||Quote:

He's a jack of all trades, but isn't uber at anything. His minions are not tanks, his spells aren't mage-like, and his curses are just quick defensive saves. So to our inexpert eyes, he seems like he'll constantly be scratching to survive by using a wide variety of skills, without ever being really able to dominate. And he doesn't seem to have anything to contribute to the party, in a larger group game.

That's my from the hip opinion, anyway, though as others have said, he's far from complete and had a lot of skills not enabled at Blizzcon.

I have a question about this for Jay Wilson that's going up in tomorrow's update, actually. About potential WD builds and how he seems less varied in potential styles than the other chars.

Just an interesting thing to add to this:

I enjoy playing characters as described in this post. Please please PLEASE blizzard - do NOT make this class just another wizard variant (even if it means the witch doctor would otherwise be a "weak" class). I have faith in you though

After all, many people (myself included) play the "Bard" class in d&d. And some say its a crap class because of this lack of specialty.

Seriously though, real witch doctor fans would support my post

(Well maybe except for the "weak" class part )

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