Friday, April 13, 2012

Arise chicken!

[:1]Chicken, arise!

Sorry, couldn't resist.

In all seriousness, I'm curious about one thing: will a summoner build be possible for the Witch Doctor?

The Blizzard devs have repeatedly said that they want the main jist of Witch Doctor gameplay to be direct damage, with summoned pets only functioning as tanks and distractions.

But with runes being such wild cards, is there the slightest chance that a determined player with the right equipment and runes could create a Witch Doctor with hordes of minions like the Necromancer of old?

I pray for such a possibility. I'm not expecting 90 skeletons (although that would be pretty rad), but certainly more than just 4 Mongrels and a Gargantuan.|||Quote:

will a summoner build be possible for the Witch Doctor?

This depends in part on your definition of a Summoner. Plague of Toads, Zombie Charger, Corpse Spiders, Haunt, Hex, Pit of Fire, Fetish Army and Parasite are all spells that do damage via minions. Most of these minions are short lived and will disappear after they have done their damage.

The only skills that can be considered to be 'traditional' summoning skills are Summon Zombie Dog and Gargantuan. How many of those can be active at any single one time, how much damage they do and how runes affect them are anyones guess at this point. Since we really now nothing about their effects it is impossible to say if these skills can be modified to give effective minions.|||I'm hoping that a Witch Doc summoner becomes a hell viable build. It seems likely considering there are a few traits that help out summons. Fishymancers are my favorite class in D2, so fingers crossed. Heck, way back in D1 I played summoner style, using golem/elemental/bone spirit/guardian as my main spells.

@Mad Mantis: has it been stated that Fetish Army is a temp minion skill (a la Zombie Charger) rather than a "follower" minion skill (a la Zombie Dog)? So much info lately, I wouldnt be surprised if I missed it.

Side note on Fetish Army skill: wouldnt it be cool if one of the rune'd versions gives us the ability to summon Stygian Dolls? Kind of a peace offering to us Necro fans who will miss skeletal minions.|||Quote:

@Mad Mantis: has it been stated that Fetish Army is a temp minion skill (a la Zombie Charger) rather than a "follower" minion skill (a la Zombie Dog)? So much info lately, I wouldnt be surprised if I missed it.

According to the Fetish Army page;

[Blue]"it's really more of an AoE that happens to do its damage by sending out little dudes to fight."[/Blue]

That certainly seems to suggest that the Fetishes will only stick around for a short time.|||Quote:

This depends in part on your definition of a Summoner

Please not this again, summons are units that has own stats and health bar and are call in.

Summoner is someone who bring them and bind them or not to his will.

Look at Magic the gathering or even D2 necromancer tree that is called summoning for a reason.

Do not mess meaning of this word because if you want you can even say that you summon word from your mouth, same way you can say every game is RPG because you role playing. Philosophy is great thing but fantasy need some rules.

I am very interesting if summoner is capable build because this is only thing interesting in WD for me.

So i have question to people who played WD at current Blizzcon how was damage done by mongrels vs monsters because if they are not mean for dps what is the point runes adding fire damage?|||Well theres only 2 Permanent summons that I know of the Zombie Dogs and the Gargantuan, but given there's only 23 skills known there might be another one.

Zombie Wall is a semi summon in that it's a group of zombies that stand still (don't seem to have a time limit).

And then there's the timed summons, these can be counted depending on your definition of what counts. To me what counts is something that got HPs and can be attack and possibly killed (how long it hangs around dont matter to me), so Firebats and Locust Swarm are not but the Fetish army might be.|||Adding fire damage has to give them a viable amount of damage, otherwise nobody would do it.

Summoner build would presumably go with Hex (as an amplify damage substitute), zombie dogs, and a gargantuan, but are there other skills to boost damage?

I was thinking about this, and all melee and ranged physical attacks are affected by strength/dexterity, while magic attacks are affected by willpower/vitality. So it would make sense, to me, if the damage of your summons was also affected by your stats in some way to stay in line with everything else.

This would allow you to boost pet damage using traits in a variety of ways...|||I'm sorry I don't have the blue link to post but I definitely remember reading that the developers are trying to avoid a "zoo keeper" type class. I know this topic is pushing for a zoo keeper BUILD and not class, but at this point I doubt even that will be a possibility. The devs DO NOT want the WD to be a necromancer remix, and the two classes already share enough in common.

With that in mind though there are plenty of traits that would allow a summon (read healthbar minion) focused class. The main difference between that and the zoo keeper being the number of summons. I have not come across any information to suggest any other permanent summons beyond your zombie dogs and gargantuan.|||Honestly, i do not need as much as over 50 minions necromancer could had, i do not need even 15 skeletons as long as this 5 or unknown number Mongrels and Gargantua will be strong enough that enemies must consider with.

I was hoping that some WD funs from current Blizzcon would jump on this site to write how was their play experience with this class.|||Yep it comes down to the power of the minions, I would expect the Gargantuan to be a good summon given its Tier and that its a single summon.

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