[:1]These are just fun ideas to apply to skill modification and do not imply any specific skill and rune combinations.
Skull of Flame
-the silhouette of the flame spirit that explodes from the bomb impact actually remains on the battlefield, Hydra-style; after having done it's initial 'skull of flame' splash damage, it scorches enemies by tossing additional fire bombs (in a Witch Doctor-ly fashion)
Plague of Toads
-fires a single toad that hops at the speed of sound, twisting and turning to reach it's quarry before exploding in a spectacular and highly damaging goo, causing major damage to a single target
Spirit Walk
-while in 'spirit' form, move at x% of your normal running speed with a slight loss to control
-affected creatures run away at x% of their normal speed and run for x% of the normal distance
Spirit Barrage
(I have a gut-instinct reaction that I want this to be my main skill as a Witch Doctor, even though we've never seen it in action; I'll just use my powers of foresight to come up with cool ideas)
-targeted areas become infested with tainted spirit after the initial barrage, causing damage over time and draining health and mana for the Witch Doctor
-souls (visible in the form of white spirit energy) explode brilliantly from each individual monster in the targeted area and then proceed to implode, targeting every monster that was in the original area of effect regardless of if they had since walked out of it; this spell combo's major one-two punch and it's AoE makes it my favorite idea so far
And there we have it. I wanted to note after writing this up that I do hope there is no confusion to the Witch Doctor's 'Spirit' skills and the Monk's 'spirit' resource system once the game is eventually released. I personally think they should change the Monk's resource name to 'chi'.|||Quote:
Spirit Walk
-while in 'spirit' form, move at x% of your normal running speed with a slight loss to control.
So you want him to act drunk...|||Drunk with power- Spirit Power! Actually, I wanted this idea to be his BASIC Spirit Walk skill and additional runage could minimize his unwieldy spirit form. Initially, his turns will be slightly more sensitive but that's about it. I think it would be a fun mechanic to deal with and the massive speed bonus will more than make up for it.
Otherwise, his mobility skill is 'ppplllllbbbbffttt.....' compared to the speed and awesomeness of the others.|||Quote:
Spirit Walk
-while in 'spirit' form, move at x% of your normal running speed with a slight loss to control
-affected creatures run away at x% of their normal speed and run for x% of the normal distance
Should these "x%" have +'s before them? otherwise these runes would blow :P.|||Spirit Walk
While in the spirit realm, the witchdoctor recovers x% health and y% mana per second.
Upon exiting the spirit realm, an explosion is produced where the WD rematerialized, causing x-y arcane damage to any enemies nearby.
Zombie Charger
Fire element instead of poison, explodes upon reaching target dealing less damage over a larger area.
Ice element. Large explosion radius, and all monsters in the radius are chilled and/or frozen. Significantly reduced damage, if any damage at all.
Multiple chargers are raised at the spot where the mouse was clicked. Rather than rushing in a single, chosen direction they run along random paths (think charged bolts, but poisonous and undead. And faster. And useful). Number raised increases with rune level.
Releases multiple spirits, number depends on rune level.
Monsters explode, causing x-y damage over some area, if they are "haunted" when they die.
Spirits apply a random elemental crit effect upon inhabiting an enemy (frozen, burning, stunned, etc.), and this condition persists until the spirit vanishes or the host monster is slain. Deals the same amount of damage per second as the base skill, but of the same element the crit effect is of.
"Haunted" monsters fight for the WD for as long as the spirit inhabits them. The spirit does the same amount of damage per second to the inhabited monster as the base skill. Only x monsters can be haunted at one time (increases with rune level).
Swarm of Locusts
Rather than splitting between multiple enemies, the swarm stays together and attacks enemies one at a time. For every enemy the swarm kills, the swarm grows in size and x seconds are added to its duration timer. Only y swarms can be active at one time (y increases with rune level, x does not).
Skill can be continually cast, but the WD remains in place while doing so. The swarm does not jump from enemy to enemy. The spell does more damage the longer it is held. (Think of the sorc's inferno but with the mechanic of disintegrate. Maybe its an anti-boss version of the skill?)
Wall of Zombies
Rather than a straight line, the zombies raised form a ring around the area where it was cast. (Yep, zombie prison baby! Like bone prison, but the monsters inside the ring are trapped and they get torn apart.).
When cast, no wall appears. However, when the WD moves, a zombie wall is raised behind him in his foot steps. (Zombie wall + Blaze. Not really serious about this one, but you never know...)
For every monster killed by the wall of zombies, x seconds are added to the wall's duration counter. x increased with rune level.
For every monster killed by the wall of zombies, the wall does x-y more damage for it's duration. x and y both increase with rune level.
The Gargantuan gains some kind of ranged or AoE attack (maybe a ranged AND AoE attack), but deals less damage.
The Gargantuan explodes when it is slain, dealing damage equal to x% of its maximum hit points over some large area. x increases with rune level.
For every enemy the Gargantuan kills, it gains +x hitpoints and does +x more damage for y seconds. x is equal to some portion of the enemy's max hp. y increases with rune level.
Soul Harvest
In addition to the spell damage buff, the WD recovers some amount of mana based on the number of enemies hit by the spell.
In addition to the spell damage buff, the WD heals some amount of hp based on the number of enemies hit.
In addition to the spell damage buff, the WD gains an x% increase in damage to his regular attacks based on the number of enemies hit.
Provides no spell damage buff. Instead, deals x-y damage to monsters in the spell's radius and stuns them for z seconds. x and y increase with rune level.
I guess that's all I can come up with right now, maybe more later|||I will be curious to see if the runes for Spirit Barrage affect targeting. Perhaps one rune would make it hit many targets, but only once; Another rune may have it hitting the same target many times. I could see the latter being useful against bosses.|||Heres some ideas for wall of zombies:
Zombie March rune: The Zombies slowly march for X distance ripping monsters apart as they go (Rune effects X and maybe damage).
Another one spawn mobile zombies around the wall IE X mobile Zombies wander around the main wall (Runes increase number of stumbling zombies).
Lastly Kills by Zombie wall makes wandering zombies that do X damage and live for Y secs.|||Interesting|||Spirit Barrage:
A powerful single-target skill, this summons a powerful Bone Spirit that deals enormous Arcane damage to a single target. (Functions similar Bone Spirit from Diablo 2)
Acid Cloud:
A AoE spell that radiates acid outwards in a large radius, dealing poison damage to the target and leaving a DoT puddle behind where enemies have perished. (Functions similar to Poison Nova from Diablo 2) *UPDATE* New rune effects video released. If what has been shown are all of the combinations, then this functionality is no longer possible.
Fire Bomb:
Summons a Gargantuan made of pure flame that lasts 30 seconds. The gargantuan does substantial fire damage with each hit, and has an aura which produces fire damage. The Gargantuan casts Sacrifice on itself right before it dies. Cooldown is 2 minutes. (The concept is similar to Fire Golem from Diablo 2)
The Fetish casts Hex on the Witch Doctor instead of the enemy. The Witch Doctor transforms into a zombie (zombie type depends on rune level) gaining increased physical resistance and returning life to the WD with each kill, but losing the ability to cast certain spells for the duration.
The Fetish casts Hex on itself. The Fetish turns into a Cockatrice (giant undead rooster) for X amount of time. The Cockatrice can slow enemies and turn lesser enemies to stone for an instant kill.
The Witch Doctor sacrifices half of his health to increase the power of his minions and health and mana regeneration of his minions for X seconds.
Detonate one of your Mongrels. Detonation time takes longer. The spell is lost if the Mongrel dies while charging for the explosion. The Mongrel explodes violently, dealing massive damage in a large area and producing a mushroom cloud and smoking crater. Cooldown is 10 minutes.
The Gargantuan gains an aura that weakens the enemies surrounding it and increases threat towards the Gargantuan.
If cast on an item, the Gargantuan gains some of that item's properties. Gargantuan's appearance changes depending on item's properties. (Function is similar to the Iron Golem from Diablo 2)
Mass Confusion:
Mass Confusion now acts as Improved Mass Confusion. The improvement increases the damage dealt by enemies and decreases the enemy capability to defend. Only (number determined by rune level) enemies can be affected at one time.
Mass Confusion:
Mass Confusion now acts as Imbalance. Enemies have their attack stat and defense stat switched. Their weakest magic elemental resistance is switched with their strongest magic elemental resistance.
Mass Confusion:
Mass Confusion now acts as Seduction. All enemies within range at the time of casting are seduced by the Witch Doctor's conjured hallucination and are unable to attack for X seconds.
Mass Confusion:
Mass Confusion now acts as Pandemonium. Random effects over a large area. Effects can include elemental damage, debuffs, or the summoning of animals, fetishes, or zombies. 1% chance of turning the Witch Doctor into a Bone Fetish. ??? chance of summoning a Unicorn under certain conditions.
Launch a Explosive Parasite at an enemy. The Parasite deals damage over time; if the enemy dies while the Parasite remains active, the corpse will explode violently. (Function is similar to Corpse Explosion from Diablo 2)
Launch a Larval Parasite at an enemy. The Parasite deals damage over time; if the enemy dies while the Parasite remains active, the Parasite will burst through the body of the beast and seek another host. Each kill increases the size of the parasite and the damage the parasite does.
Pit of Fire:
Summons gang of Fetishes, which lay down a wide path of hot coals the enemy must carefully cross. Quick enemies take enormous fire damage.
Pit of Fire
Summons gang of Fetishes, which tip over a cauldron of searing lava, producing a large puddle. Slow-moving enemies take enormous fire damage.
Grasp of the Dead:
A powerful debuff. This curses the target with much reduced movement speed and deals damage as well. Clouds of disease will appear near the initial target and slowly drift outwards, infecting all enemies they touch.
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