Just looking on newest screenshots with she-wd i lost good mood. It is not possible... i just cannot let even to think that someone in Blizzard has so bad taste. Looking on wd is too much pain for me...|||Smash: There's a separate Witch Doctor-bashing thread in this forum. I suggest you go there if you are intent on griping for its own sake.
This thread's intent is to suggest potential spells for the still-undeveloped Witch Doctor character - who knows, maybe Blizzard devs actually read some of our ideas!
At any rate, let's address the one aspect of the Witch Doctor's character that all of our cool direct damage, defense and mind control spells haven't touch on: summons.
What else (excluding quasi-minions like zombies and possessed mobs) should he summon besides Mongrels?
I've always been partial to large poisonous spiders. They could be melee attackers, or ranged attacks (poison gobs or spitting webs that slow mobs down). Or both.
What else though? Snakes might work. They'd probably look pretty wicked too...|||Hi, I just registered!
Skill Name: Rain Dance
Effect: Sky darkens and acid rain pours down burning enemies.
Thematically, this skill fits as stories of WDs often tell tales of rain dancing, etc.
Skill Name: Acid Spit
Effect: Imagine Reptile's acid spit from Mortal Kombat ..
Skill Name: Impregnate
Effect: WD cast spell which travels from wand as a wispy smoke-like missile .. hits target and causes damage. If damage is enough to kill target, the belly of the target begins to swell and explodes with three maggot-infested little dolls bursting out, which fights for the WD (think stygian dolls in Durance of Hate level III).
Skill Name: Annihilate
Effect: WD fires smoke-like missile (similar to Impregnate) and causes target to take damage. If damage is enough to kill, target's body explodes dealing damage to nearby monsters (think Corpse Explosion).
That's what I got for now.

New Skill: Masque of the Red Death
Effect: WD summons a Red Spirit which floats and travels with WD. Surrounding monsters in AoE "contracts" Red Plague in the form of reddish/rusty clouds which envelop them and damage them.
FYI: Masque of the Red Death is a short story written by Edgar Allan Poe about a prince who tries to avoid a Red Plague infesting his lands. Death/The Plague comes to his masquerade ball as a figure dressed in Red with a skull mask, and leads to the prince's demise. Very dark and gothic story, and should add depth and seriousness to WD skill set.|||Graveyard Kind of like thunderstorm for sorc, but a zombie popping up from the ground, damaging an enemy, then goes back under ground.|||Death Bind: The Witch Doctor controls for some time the corpses stored underground, which just lift their hands from the floor and hold the WD's enemy, unallowing him/her to move and damaging him/her little by little.
Breath of Fire: Aight don't bash me here, imagine an spell similar to inferno, with the difference it comes from the WD's mouth, some kind of ritual thing in which he puts alcohol or other inflammble substances on his mouth and then just launches fire. It fits, although it isn't truly original.
Swarm Shield: The Witch Doctor summons a swarm of protective insects that inflict poison damage to every enemy that comes near the caster.
Brew of the Death The Witch Doctor uses a special brew that temporaly turns him into a monster, able to attack fastly and with strenght, once the effect is finished the witch doctor is weakened though.|||as for the new idea part 3
Branch Storm - Conjures an immaterial ancient tree spirit above the WD head (much like the horror spirit but with lattice circle within radius) that hails a sharp wood branches towards the targeted spot for the duration of the spell.
Points added to this skill certainly increases the damage & number of the branches that will hit foes alike within the targeted vicinity. (note that the WD should remain still because of the chant & vulnerable for until the spell expires)
Maul of Vengeance - WD should select either wall or ground for the spell to exist as a gate & evokes a giant skeleton hand with a metallic maul that smashes those opponent within its reach.
Points added to the skill increases the skeleton hand's Life points and damage (it will be unfair for the enemy if the summoned figure doesn't have life on it)
Guys try to enhance this with your great ideas but not exaggerate it thnx!!|||How about a passive skill that allows you to apply poison/fire/whatever damage to the weapons of party members much like what the WD can do for its summons?
Example: you put one point it do it, then you are able to blow the Swarm of Locusts or whatever onto your Barbarian friend and for X seconds both of his axes have Y poison damage and he gains Z additional poison resist. X, Y, and Z increase with points put in. Would stack onto any poison type damage/resistance that your party member has. Possibly even work for party members summons and mercs? Haven't really thought of a name for this, though. Feel free to suggest one.
Another one could be like the Necros blind curse or the Assassins cloak of darkness...don't know if this has been suggested but like maybe a bunch of possibly damaging smoke that obscures vision? Maybe call it Smog? Or maybe like a passive that adds the smoke damage/blindness to the fire type attacks.
And maybe a move like the Faint Attack that is in Pokemon (don't judge) where the WD becomes invisible and moves right next to an enemy and only appears during a melee attack (with a poisoned blade, maybe?)|||Let's give the WD some chance to either turn or control zombies (but not other undead). Somehow, it just makes sense.

Spirits of Limbo
The souls of the dishonored dead are forever tormented by the endless wastes of Limbo. A witch doctor can release them, putting their craving for violence to good use.
In effect, it's your standard missile attack. A ghostly spirit thing (think like what the Spirit Towers shoot in Warcraft 3) comes out and moves in a straight line, killing anything in its path. In addition to doing cold damage, it has a chance to slow and cause fear. Rune powers include making it track enemies, making it explode in a frenzy of ghostly violence, and making it pass through foes to strike ones behind. Also increasing the Slow and Terrify chance could work.
I'll try for another:
Sorrow Curse
The enemy is touched by death, its lifeforce oozing away. It does not notice until it is too late, lashing out at its companions in a mad bid to save itself
A wide AOE that inflicts damage over time. If an enemy dies while under the curse (not necessarily because of the curse) it will go mad and attack anything nearby for 2 seconds.|||How about:
returning the "Serpents of doom" skill -one of the unreleased skil from d1
alsow some other d1 and d2 skills like bone spirit , bone wall , poison nova , golem.
and maybe some druid like aura-spirit summoning skill -that would be awsome
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