I'm going to trust Blizzard, at least for now...
Tough call. I'm torn between feeling loyale to a company that makes great games versus feeling annoyed at another company simplifying their game for the masses.
I'm not sure there is a smilee that accurately describes this state of being, but this one is as close as I could find...

i find it hard to understand how people can so easily miss the fact that just because they removed the SKILLS used to enchant your dogs, theres a very good chance that you can use a RUNE to change how your dog operates, and i really wouldnt be surprised if those were only a few of dozens of options.
There's only 5 runes.
You could use runes and your offensive spells with Mong-, Zombie Dogs if they had kept the now-removed mechanic.|||Quote:
There's only 5 runes.
You could use runes and your offensive spells with Mong-, Zombie Dogs if they had kept the now-removed mechanic.
so, you're saying for certainty that there is only 5 runes.... do you realize how silly you sound making a claim like that, the game is still (probably several) years away from release, and still heavily in development... we could just as easily see 10-15 runes per skill as we could 5.|||Quote:
so, you're saying for certainty that there is only 5 runes.... do you realize how silly you sound making a claim like that, the game is still (probably several) years away from release, and still heavily in development... we could just as easily see 10-15 runes per skill as we could 5.
I agree, the odds are there will be more then just 5 runes by the time the game comes out. Also I wouldn't get to upset about them taking the "imbue" option out, because when open beta comes along (in 2 freaking years!) I am sure the players will say something and they will just add it back in. Blizzard is at least good at listening to their fans.|||Quote:
I agree, the odds are there will be more then just 5 runes by the time the game comes out. Also I wouldn't get to upset about them taking the "imbue" option out, because when open beta comes along (in 2 freaking years!) I am sure the players will say something and they will just add it back in. Blizzard is at least good at listening to their fans.
thats generally what i try to imply on these forums more than anything... the game is still far away, how things are right now is not concrete... and i wouldnt be surprised if even MORE customizable options came out, let alone more runes to customize your skills.
and yes, blizzard is good at listening to their fans (and ignoring the ranters and ravers that refuse to accept even a nominal change)|||Quote:
and yes, blizzard is good at listening to their fans (and ignoring the ranters and ravers that refuse to accept even a nominal change)
I think what some forumers are feeling (I know I am) is that in recent years companies continue to streamline and simplify their games. I grew up playing micro intensive RTS games and most of the modern fare in said genre is a far cry from what it used to be.
This does not mean people are going to boycott the game (that would be... weird). It just means some gamers like lots of options, but companies seem to water down games first, rather then let players adjust via playing them.
You seem to imply that certain gamers can't stand anything being taken away from them, but that is only one end of the spectrum. The other are gamers who go to a Blizzcon, complain that they don't know what is going on (for a game with no manual, no release date, not out of beta etc.) and thus Blizzard immediately removes said mechanic.
I think this philosophy is crazy. Just my opinion, but I don't agree with their reasoning behind removing the mechanic.|||Quote:
so, you're saying for certainty that there is only 5 runes.... do you realize how silly you sound making a claim like that, the game is still (probably several) years away from release, and still heavily in development... we could just as easily see 10-15 runes per skill as we could 5.
You do know the D3 team confirmed that (more specifically, Jay)?|||As I remember and understood there are 5 types, but will vary on quality of its effects.|||Quote:
You do know the D3 team confirmed that (more specifically, Jay)?
yea, and a year ago they said they werent going to have items that bind... and look, now there will be. the game still has a lot to go, and im sure many changes to go. and things like more runes to make things MORE customizable are extremely likely.
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