IMO, Runestones shouldn't be about making the Skill flashier and groier, but about changing the Skill functionality, and that alone.
Therefore I strated thinking of some Runestones ideas for the Skill Spirit Walk, and I've been wondering and hoping for some comments [Notice each rune drastically change the function and purpose of the Skill].
No Rune: Enter the spirit realm, allowing unhindered movement for X seconds
More points: Longer duration
1st Idea: Ragdoll unleashes Frozen Nova on re-appearing
Higher Rune: Bigger radius, longer freeze duration
Purpose: Crowd Control Skill.
A Panic skill, perfect when overrun. Monsters surrounds Ragdoll while you're regrouping. When re-appearing, Ragdoll leaves monsters Frozen just for you.
2nd Idea: Explosion on disappearing
Higher Rune: Bigger radius, bigger damage
Purpose: Offensive, Damage Skill.
Close to the 1st idea in the damage department, but this is mainly for PvP vs. Melee- Not only you disapper, but you go BOOM in their face.
3nd Idea: Faster running while in Spirit Realm.
Higher Rune: FRW
Purpose: Mobility Skill.
Comletly changing the skill, making it much more of a Mobility focus skill for rushing.
4th Idea: Teleports back to Ragdoll location when duration ends.
Higher Rune: ??
Purpose: Scout Ahead skill.
Completly changing the skill, for stratigic purposes and seeing exactly which Super Unique is waiting behind a doortrap.
5th Idea: Living and attacking with WD Skills Ragdoll serving as a minion for duration.
Higher Rune: Stronger Ragdoll, more diverse Skills to use
Purpose Idea: The "Wild Card" rune.
For a very fun gameplay and dishing damage while in Spirit Realm.
6th Idea: Regan Life/Mana while in Spirit Realm.
Higher Rune: More regenaration
Purpose: A Retreat&Regroup skill.
Don't really like it, since it clearly slows the pace of the game- Which Blizzard clearly stated they're againt. But just thought I should write it down, maybe someone has an idea that would actually make this viable.|||7th Idea:Gaining +Spelldamage for enemies passed through
Higher Rune: More damage
Purpose: A buff.
You see a group of enemies, run through them and when you nuke them from behind it will do sh**tloads of damage

8th Idea: Inverted spirit walk.
Higher rune: longer duration
Purpose: Distraction
Instead of leaving behind a decoy, it will be the decoy that starts walking while your spirit remains in the same place. After a duration the decoy is destroyed and your spirit returns to the place you started. Hope you understand what I mean ^^
This would be a nice PvP skill because if a witchdoctor just stops moving you know he is in spirit walk and will pop up somewhere else. A walking decoy will be a better distraction then a one that just stand there.|||I'm gonna have to disagree. It won't take more than 1 or 2 Spirit walks before enemy team would figure it out. And I'm guessing you are playing more than just a single round. So after round 1 everyone would know and wtfpwn you.
"This would be a nice PvP skill because if a witchdoctor just stops moving you know he is in spirit walk and will pop up somewhere else. A walking decoy will be a better distraction then a one that just stand there."
doesn't make much sense to me if I understand you correctly.
Scenario A(Original spirit walk)
You will end up where ever you want and the enemy have no idea where.
Scenario B(Inverted Spirit Walk)
You will not have a say in where you will end up, and the enemy will know.
This does not seem viable for PvP at all. Could work for PvE but I don't see why original spirit walk wont be superior or just as good.|||i think one where he deals damage, like a trail of poisonous gas behind as he moves would be cool. Ideally it wouldn't be visible until he reappeared, so as not to give away where you were moving. But when you come back suddenly the screen is full of choking, green enemies.
Another one that makes it a work a bit like teleport or Leap Attack, would be interesting. A shorter duration, obstacle-passing version.|||9th Idea: Chained Spirits. The Witchdoctor chains the spirits of the enemies he passes through together making them share their pain (A part of the damage dealt to one of the linked foes is also dealt to all the other chained enemies. Something like that Deamonhunter spell. I think this woul really synergize with the WD's AoE spells)
Higher Rune: Can link more enemies, more damage shared.|||Quote:
i think one where he deals damage, like a trail of poisonous gas behind as he moves would be cool. Ideally it wouldn't be visible until he reappeared, so as not to give away where you were moving. But when you come back suddenly the screen is full of choking, green enemies.
Another one that makes it a work a bit like teleport or Leap Attack, would be interesting. A shorter duration, obstacle-passing version.
Can you stop Spirit Walk duration yourself, or must it continue all the way?
'Cause if you can, this could easily be the Leap/Tele function.
And regarding the 1st idea- It's interesting, but in which situations would you use it?
9th Idea: Chained Spirits. The Witchdoctor chains the spirits of the enemies he passes through together making them share their pain (A part of the damage dealt to one of the linked foes is also dealt to all the other chained enemies. Something like that Deamonhunter spell. I think this woul really synergize with the WD's AoE spells)
Higher Rune: Can link more enemies, more damage shared.
This is a great exmaple of a too complicated idea, which I highly oppose, as mentioned in my OP.|||Loved Lazer's exploding idea! AoE stun/fear/root upon reappearing would be a cool gank skill too, in contrast to its escape fcnality... Poison trails sound amazing too! Like a poison Blaze!
@qwink's idea, that would be awesome if you could choose between the 2 points!|||I liked Flux's idea about the gas. But I rather have it in cold damage. Spirit walk is in my opinion somewhat like a ghost passing through you so cold (shiver my spine) dmg seems fitting.
+ it would also give the WD another type of damage, except poisen, disease and fire.|||it would also be cool if SW could be used to swap the places of the WD with a monster or another player...
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