Probably Dr. Feel Food if I can get my hands on the name. That M�tley Cr�e song fits the theme in both name and actual subject matter. I imagine a lot of people will be going for it. Either that or some other (in)famous doctor from history or literature.
I'm assuming that 'F' is a typo and you mean Dr. Feel Good.
Heh, must put lots of poison and disease in that build :P
I'm not sure what I'll give my toon. I usually like realistic names that a character like that would have. I usually just invent them on the fly though. But I do like the idea of coming up with something in swahili.|||I'm still on the fence for the witchdoctor as far as names are concerned. Depends on if i favor his pets over his abilities.
I'll probably come up with others.|||dj maliboomboom
if you dont know why you should search for it on youtube|||Quote:
Shadenfreude - pleasure derived from the pain and misfortune of others.
you might consider to add a C as in Schadenfreude if you want to get it right

because sticky voodoo
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