Friday, April 13, 2012

Zombie Bears? - Page 3


Zombie Sloth Bears...

...I dunno, doesn't sound too intimidating.

They just have to change the skill to "Zombie Honey Badgers". Now thats scary. Those critters have been known to chase lions away from their kills.

Sloth bears are nasty, they are the most likely animals on the planet to attack humans for no visible reason. Though I have to admit Honey Badgers are scary to.|||Quote:

Are you trying to be asshole or what? His point was clear so what is your problem?

From what i saw this Zombie Bears looks like Beastmaster stampede... Blizzard you are so boring, cannot you make a little more complicated and refreshing spells?

I wish i could saw their daily design meeting because i am so not amazed with their "new" (rather rehash) spells.

Maybe because i played all of their games is that obvious for me how they heavy copy/paste from themselves. It's cheap move for such rich both in money and experience company...

I am somehow not in mood for playing same things over and over but in diff colors.

I was really expecting new, more complicated, advance spell mechanics in Diablo 3, but so far i saw none, right now even Dota is beating Diablo 3 with their heroes/spells... sigh.

I challenge you to think over a nice spell without making it similar to any Blizzard spell whatsoever (or to any really)|||Quote:

Maybe because i played all of their games is that obvious for me how they heavy copy/paste from themselves. It's cheap move for such rich both in money and experience company...

INCREDIBLE. You have pattern recognition.

Blizzard recycling ideas between games. WHO COULD HAVE THOUGHT?! Go forth, oh sage, and enlighten the unwashed masses! Blizzard is unoriginal as something incredibly unoriginal which you can use to make a simile out of! What dastardly thing will they do next? Put gameplay in game over shoving a new idea of sake of shoving a new idea? Rascals.|||Quote:

I challenge you to think over a nice spell without making it similar to any Blizzard spell whatsoever (or to any really)

Why i would care about your challenge if you do not care about what i wrote? Funny because long time ago i posted my Diablo 3 class, some of spells their never where in Blizzard Games, anyway go check dota some of heroes there have really refreshing and interesting spells mechanics. Read second part of this post too.


INCREDIBLE. You have pattern recognition.

Blizzard recycling ideas between games. WHO COULD HAVE THOUGHT?! Go forth, oh sage, and enlighten the unwashed masses! Blizzard is unoriginal as something incredibly unoriginal which you can use to make a simile out of! What dastardly thing will they do next? Put gameplay in game over shoving a new idea of sake of shoving a new idea? Rascals.

Warcraft 3 was very refreshing game over their older RTS games like Warcraft 2 or Starcraft, they put a lot of ideas into it, so they can if they want. Problem is Warcraft 3 team == Diablo 3 team and Diablo 3 team has problem with showing some really interesting spells.

You do not need create completely new spell, you can pick up D2 Meteor and add interesting addition mechanics to it, just more layers. Ofc maybe runes will do that but my faith is week so i am pessimistic.

Do you need more enlightenment?|||Quote:

Warcraft 3 was very refreshing game over their older RTS games like Warcraft 2 or Starcraft, they put a lot of ideas into it, so they can if they want.

It also recycled a ridiculous number of mechanics. Just like WoW did after it. Just like Starcraft 2 did after it. Just like Diablo 3 is doing now. It is their modus operandi. They do it because they want mechani that work, rather than mechanics that are gimmicky for sake of being gimmicky.

What exactly is your criteria for "interesting" skills that would fulfill the current skill roles without becoming gimmicks that are nonstandard for sake of being nonstandard? Don't just point at DotA, give ACTUAL examples from it. Because, as I am looking at it, DotA has an absurd amount of recycled spells with a slightly different twist for sake of not making it another Shockwave or Stormbolt. Other, more creative spells, would simply not work in ARPG environment, and would take up valuable, limited skill slots every character has. The rest would be redundant with what we have right now.|||Quote:

Why i would care about your challenge if you do not care about what i wrote? Funny because long time ago i posted my Diablo 3 class, some of spells their never where in Blizzard Games, anyway go check dota some of heroes there have really refreshing and interesting spells mechanics. Read second part of this post too.

I'm sorry pal, I don't keep a record on everyone's posts so I don't think I've ever read about your class, will do it once I get the time...

Also, I certainly care about what you wrote... You don't see me commenting on everyone's posts, right? That means that if I answer a particular post, it's because I saw what was written as something interesting...

For the record, I don't play dota, and won't, not even to make my point... It has a dark past, which a Wc3 modder must not forget...


Warcraft 3 was very refreshing game over their older RTS games like Warcraft 2 or Starcraft, they put a lot of ideas into it, so they can if they want. Problem is Warcraft 3 team == Diablo 3 team and Diablo 3 team has problem with showing some really interesting spells.

You do not need create completely new spell, you can pick up D2 Meteor and add interesting addition mechanics to it, just more layers. Ofc maybe runes will do that but my faith is week so i am pessimistic.

Do you need more enlightenment?

First off... Many of the new Wc3 spells were taken from D2, if not from other games or ultimately DnD...

And btw... If we pick up D2 Meteor and add an interesting mechanic to it... well, like it or not, we don't know whether the zombie bears rune adds something else to the charger spell, we don't know it doesn't either...

Do remember that the Bears are a RUNE skill, an alternative version of the Zombie Charger skill... So it probably has the poison cloud on zombie's explotion... To be certain it might work more as a multi-strike charger...

Also... Don't get me wrong kid... I do agree that the skills are not fully innovative, and that they could be innovative... But I also think that it is not such a big deal. I prefer 20 already known skills that give fun(rather tweaked maybe) rather than 10 completely new skills that are dull and useless...

EDIT: Tried to see your custom class, but the download link doesn't work...|||After reading the posts in here all I can say is bring on the zonbie bears heh!

Can't wait until D3 comes out. |||I would do damn near anything for there to be zombie rhinos. That's just way too fun to pass up.|||I miss my druid and necro....something just a little less nasty about main chars so far...but game still looks great.

the graphics aren't set either.

id say druid good candidate for return....necro an witch doc to redundant.


I was thinking the same thing.|||

Looks more like ghost bears to me cause of the clipping.

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