Lets be realistic here. WD might not be a replacement but the necromancer WAS removed. The WD has many themes and concepts from the necromancer so... if a necro, similar to the D2 was used, it would have some similiarities with the WD which is certainly not what Blizzard wants as I am sure they want to have every class to have diferent styles.
No, the necromancer just wasn't ADDED. Based on Blizzard's response, it'd seem like they haven't really thought about the other 3 character classes yet.
I'm not saying the Necro will be added, but Blizzard doesn't seem to have thought about it either way.|||Quote:
...Based on Blizzard's response, it'd seem like they haven't really thought about the other 3 character classes yet.
Ron Pardo (from 2:05 to 2:14) disagrees.|||this is what happened: ah, we need something new. what about we take an necromancer, change his skill animation, change his armor and moves, calls him witch doctor.
I played necro and always loved necro. I think WD is not as cool cos I loved necro too much. if necromancer gets a upgrade into D3 they will have exactly what WDs are having at the moment, like that wall of zumbies. maybe if they called them Necro Doctor I will like them better.
every current RPG games have classes address direct magic, indirect magic, range, close combat. with WD showing up I see Necro is not coming back. period. u will still see some class using bows but not called amazon, someone casting lighting spells but not called sorceress. that is alright. we are getting D3. I will take anything.|||They'd need a good story as to why the followers of Rathma, so concerned with upholding the balance in the world, all of the sudden just disappeared from this conflict.|||Quote:
They'd need a good story as to why the followers of Rathma, so concerned with upholding the balance in the world, all of the sudden just disappeared from this conflict.
Meanwhile in the underground city of the Priests of Rathma:
"Come on man, the balance of the world is in jeopardy again."
*click* *click* *click*
"Not right now Rob. I just joined a group for Scarlet Monastery. I'm going to get Whitemane's Chapeau tonight, I can feel it..."

= I'm NOT buying D3.
They bring back the Barb and axe everyone else? Then give some BS story about how they're reinventing him? That is being the biggest pricks ever.
you would think Blizzard would have learned with:

But nope. They want to continue to be stupid and ignore what the PAYING customers want.
I'm not touching this game with an empty "promise" of "maybe" a Necro in the future. Forget it.
It would be not hard at all for them to add old classes. It doesn't even need to be changed. You are ADDING content that is DEMANDED, not making a new game stale. If others hate the old class, then they don't have to play it. I don't play Barbs in D2 because it's not my style, and I wouldn't play them in D3. As it is I won't be playing anything in D3.
And I urge ALL necromancers to boycott the game. Show Blizzard that they better LISTEN to their customers. It's not enough to just not buy the game. I will NOT buy it the day it is released and tell them WHY. I will not buy it a week after, and I will tell them WHY. I will not buy it a month after either, and I will again tell them WHY. They are not getting one red cent from me.
The more of us who do this, the more the entire industry can change. Let us gamers tell the companies what we want - and that we had damn well better be listened to!|||Well, one thing you can say about Fleshanthos is at least he role plays his chosen class, using necromancy on this thread and all.
I really should have chimed in on this upon announcement as well. Seeing the cartoony rainbow gags just crack me up next to the actual screenshots and gameplay videos showing demons exploding in fountains of blood that put crazy animes to shame.
As for the necro class itself, yeah, time for a change, new classes, ect. if they added a necro class to Diablo III in an expac or DL content or patch or something, i would roll at least one, but I probably wouldn't level it like I would my witch doctor or wizard.
Does it have a place in Diablo III? Sure, but I'm not going to throw a tantrum if it doesn't make the cut even after all of it's xpacs.|||The witch doctor is a worthy reinvention of the necromancer. Lots of cool new themes with the creepy voodoo doctor flavor. Give the WD a chance before you diss him, while nostalgia can be good at times, dont let it blind you to new possibilities.
And as I said in another thread, the witch doctor theme is fairly unexplored and with far less bagage, allowing the dev team to go really crazy in developing potent and unique abilities youve never seen before. Look at the spider jars, or the charging, melting zombies as some of the more creative, new abilities. Instead of the more common necromancer staples one would expect for it to feel like a proper necromancer. Such as summoning undead minions, or using dark magic.|||No he isn't. A worthy reinvention would be equal to the barb, who is also said to be reinvented. A worthy reinvention would be the necro included in D3.
You don't include one previous class, and say "screw you" to everyone else.
That is my main point. That is why blizzard are being utter pricks.
You either invent only new classes or reinvent ALL of the old ones (not just one) or else you do both.
I wouldn't mind getting entirely the same thing on a new game. I wouldn't mind D2 rereleased with updated game engine - hell I bought TIE fighter THREE TIMES. The same frikkin game. With updated graphics/functionality EVERY TIME. I don't play TIE fighter any more. I still play D2, 11 years after its release. Hell, I play original DIablo more often than XvsTIE. Think there might be a market for my kind of con$umer? Maybe?
I would love to be a cu$tomer who feels as included in D3 as the barb players are. I would be the first to grab the game as soon as the doors open to the store, the same as I was for D2 and LoD years and years ago.
But Blizzard are being assholes and idiots. They could simply put the old stuff in with no change and I would be frikkin happy.
Don't hand me bull**** and tell me it's chocolate. I know bull**** when I see it. There is room enough on modern systems to include all the old classes; there is time enough to add them and balance them; they already have 11 years worth of data and observations on that. I can tell you that here is one guy at least who is not going to spend one CENT on D3. Pretty stupid thing for a company to do in this economic climate; pissing off and losing past cu$tomers.
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