people who never played necros are voting. if this was a necro forum on dii and there was somewhere else non necro players could go, WD would be laughing stock.
your point is moot. its like saying that a presidential candidate says that people who work in factories dont have to pay taxes. If you ask people in a factory, of course they're going to say they want to vote for them. But if you ask in an office building, you'll get mixed responses. does that mean that the people in the office aren't allowed to vote?|||There's a much bigger problem to the poll beyond people who never once played the necro voting. We know very, very little about what the new witchdoctor is like. We know absolutely NOTHING about what the necromancer would be like in D3. People are comparing the WD, who is brand new with better graphics and animations, with the ten years old version of the necromancer.
Which do you like better, that brand new desktop computer with pretty lights and dual quad core processors, or the ten years old doorstop?
Reading through a lot of these threads, its very clear to me that most people have no imagination, so asking them to picture a new and improved version of the necro doesn't work.|||Quote:
People are comparing the WD, who is brand new with better graphics and animations, with the ten years old version of the necromancer.
IMO, old Necro still wins, hands down. ^_^
skeletons > mongrels
poison nova/explosion > locust
terror > horrify (No, I don't like to have a HUGE overdone ghost over my char.)
necro model >>> hobo model
necro animation > WD animation
There is virtually no way in which WD is superior to Necro visually.|||yeah. that about sums it up.
unless you are into Disney and annoying things. then it's great.|||Sounds a lot like people wants a glorified D2 patch. I vote WD because I want to play something new.
Take a step back and look at the class progression from D1 to D2. I'd expect them to make the same sorts of changes going to D3. I'd hope that they dont bring necros back (at least not till expansion) because I want to play 5 new classes and if they include necro that means i've only got 3 new ones inc WD to play.
**** that. If i want to play necromancer i'll play D2.
Also I do play necromancer for the "oh noes ppl who dont like necros are voting". Beating the ubers on a summoner was a lot of fun, but I want something new in D3.
Skill/theme overlapping isnt a big deal anyway, look at druids. copied from barb/sorc/necro skills/themes mostly and they still put it in.
Mod Edit: Don't bypass the word filter|||Do I want to see the Necromancer back? No. The Witch Doctor fills that slot well for a character "not intended to cancel out the necro." I see the emo generation loving the graveyard-tanned, bone-wearing, scrawny, mullet-wearing guy as more flavorful, and veterans of D2 have been accustomed to seeing him for almost a decade, so I can understand the hesitation, but the volume of the outcry is ridiculous.
I'd be happy either way, but change shouldn't be shot down so quickly and vehemently. We don't know the scope of the changes in Sanctuary, so I say don't pass hasty judgment.|||I honestly wish they didn't keep any of the previous classes, it's a new game after all, not a new d2 expansion, but since they kept the barb I hpe he'll get serious remake. So while I like the d2 necro, I don't want to see it in d3. Imo the WD seems cool and it's definitely a similar character to the necro, renewed, and I wouldn't like a necro and a WD.|||i must say that rigth now im like WTF!!! what they take out the necro, i want to see it 3d with all his skills.........
But honestly im just annoyed because they take back the barb but not the necro. I guess when the game came out im just going to say "well lets see what u got WD" and then " OMG this is great" (I hope).......
There are still some unique skills that maybe are going to die with the necro
Anyway they have not say the final word, they are still in....... em.... i donmt remember...............|||Witch doctor? "NECRO"Mancer? What?!?!?! Make a FORUMANCER! *Casts revive on forum*|||Just one thing for the people that say i dont want to play d2 again.
If they had brought the necromancer is not like they were gonna bring the same exact thing as before. The look would have been different and im sure it would have had a whole new array of skills or improved ones. I dont think you could have gone with the exact same strategy and just beat the game because you knew how the old necro worked. You can see that they have changed stuff on the barbarian, its not a cornucopia of the old one.
Anyway i have no problem whatsoever in playing the witch doctor and other new classes they come out with
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